Using your selected business from the previous assessments, complete the Marketi

Using your selected business from the previous assessments, complete the Marketing Communications Channels section of the Strategic Marketing Plan Template as follows:
Select and identify at least 5 marketing communication channels that could be used to reach selected audiences that are fit for your chosen business. These should include online and traditional communication channels to convey key messages.
Determine the advantages and disadvantages of each selection.
Support with research. Demonstrate that you are learning from the course by accessing, performing, and applying the course resources and other credible sources. Consider the project as a take-home open-book exam. Each item in the project is like a question that requires you to demonstrate an understanding of an essential course concept. The grade you earn will be strongly influenced by the degree to which you demonstrate an understanding of basic marketing concepts from the course. Define your terms using concepts from the course materials, explain how they apply, and apply them. From the stick perspective, projects that fail to demonstrate an understanding of marketing concepts and practices from the course materials will not earn a grade higher than a C.
Cite sources to support your assignment.
Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.
Submit your outline.

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