​Write an essay, typewritten, double-spaced, 12-point type, standard margins. You can write more if that will make it a better essay. No cover page. ​At the top, type only one line, at left margin: Your Name, Spring 2023, Nation. (That’s the title.) Skip a single-spaced line. Then begin text, double-spaced. Use multiple paragraphs to improve readability. Indent every paragraph. THE PREMISE: ​An undersea earthquake has created a new island in the Atlantic Ocean, about 200 miles east of Miami. It is about the size of Key Biscayne, and its mild climate supports an abundance of tropical trees, thick forests, naturally growing fruit and sand beaches, as well as plentiful fish in the surrounding waters. ​You are among 10,000 people chosen to sail to this new island to make a new life and establish a new nation, independent of the United States. (Many more wanted to go, but you and your family, if you have one, were among the relatively few selected.) ​On the way, before your ship reaches the island, all of you must agree on the structure and functions of a new nation. Otherwise, the arrival could be chaotic – “every man for himself,” with the strongest ones prevailing. You might also name your nation. THE PROJECT: ​All of you agree that you will create a democracy. What kind of democracy, though, is up to the settlers. What do you propose? Since the group must draft a constitution for the new nation, what do you recommend? (Don’t write the text of it. Just explain.) ​You may refer to the U.S. Constitution for guidance – it’s in the back of your textbook — but consider that a constitution written in 1787 for a new nation of 13 states and several million people might not be exactly appropriate in 2023 for a tiny island nation of only 10,000 people. (An existing country with similar size and population is the Republic of Nauru, near Australia.) ​What functions must your new government perform, and what bureaucracy should be created to perform them? How should your government be structured to carry out those functions? What about politics? How will you choose leaders? ​(Remember: You have limited human resources in a population of only 10,000, which includes children. Your new nation will grow slowly over time. Whatever government structure you create will obviously have to begin very small.) CAUTION: ​Resist the temptation to propose grandiose plans such as skyscrapers, jet airport, seaport, railroad, huge government buildings, factories, big army, navy, air force, et cetera. This is a small island with only the land area and population to match Key Biscayne – and it lacks the financial and economic resources that Key Biscayne has. ​Also, do not invent fictional discussions among the settlers or predict what kind of life you will all have. Limit yourself to creating a system of governance that makes policies and implements them, as well as a system of politics that determines who will control that government. ​Do not write the text of a new constitution. Just summarize what you would include in a new constitution. ​Do not quote the text of an existing constitution or law. If you adopt any part of an existing document, just summarize in your own words what it would do in the system you are creating. ​Do not propose “amendments.” Amendments are changes to an existing document, but you are creating an original constitution that doesn’t exist yet, so there can’t be amendments. Everything you include is in your original constitution. IN SUMMARY: ​You and your companions at sea are organizing a new society. What do you need to do to ensure that the society functions well, under law? The knowledge you have gained about the structure, functions, issues and policies of American government should enable you to do some creative thinking about this. ​Although the requirement is at least 500 words, you may write more than the minimum if that would result in a better essay. It’s fine if you have fun doing this and being creative..


Write an essay, typewritten, double-spaced, 12-point type, standard margins. You can write more if that will make it a better essay. No cover page.
​At the top, type only one line, at the left margin: Your Name, Spring 2023, Nation. (That’s the title.) Skip a single-spaced line. Then begin the text, double-spaced. Use multiple paragraphs to improve readability. Indent every paragraph.
​An undersea earthquake has created a new island in the Atlantic Ocean, about 200 miles east of Miami. It is about the size of Key Biscayne, and its mild climate supports an abundance of tropical trees, thick forests, naturally growing fruit, and sand beaches, as well as plentiful fish in the surrounding waters.
​You are among 10,000 people chosen to sail to this new island to make a new life and establish a new nation, independent of the United States. (Many more wanted to go, but you and your family, if you have one, were among the relatively few selected.)
​On the way, before your ship reaches the island, all of you must agree on the structure and functions of a new nation. Otherwise, the arrival could be chaotic – “every man for himself,” with the strongest ones prevailing. You might also name your nation.
​All of you agree that you will create a democracy. What kind of democracy, though, is up to the settlers? What do you propose? Since the group must draft a constitution for the new nation, what do you recommend? (Don’t write the text of it. Just explain.)
​You may refer to the U.S. Constitution for guidance – it’s in the back of your textbook — but consider that a constitution written in 1787 for a new nation of 13 states and several million people might not be exactly appropriate in 2023 for a tiny island nation of only 10,000 people. (An existing country with a similar size and population is the Republic of Nauru, near Australia.)
​What functions must your new government perform, and what bureaucracy should be created to perform them? How should your government be structured to carry out those functions? What about politics? How will you choose leaders?
​(Remember: You have limited human resources in a population of only 10,000, which includes children. Your new nation will grow slowly over time. Whatever government structure you create will have to begin very small.)
​Resist the temptation to propose grandiose plans such as skyscrapers, jet airports, seaports, railroads, huge government buildings, factories, big armies, a navy, an air force, et cetera. This is a small island with only the land area and population to match Key Biscayne – and it lacks the financial and economic resources that Key Biscayne has.
​Also, do not invent fictional discussions among the settlers or predict what kind of life you will all have. Limit yourself to creating a system of governance that makes policies and implements them, as well as a system of politics that determines who will control that government.
​Do not write the text of a new constitution. Just summarize what you would include in a new constitution.
​Do not quote the text of an existing constitution or law. If you adopt any part of an existing document, just summarize in your own words what it would do in the system you are creating.
​Do not propose “amendments.” Amendments are changes to an existing document, but you are creating an original constitution that doesn’t exist yet, so there can’t be amendments. Everything you include in your original constitution.
​You and your companions at sea are organizing a new society. What do you need to do to ensure that society functions well, under the law? The knowledge you have gained about the structure, functions, issues, and policies of the American government should enable you to do some creative thinking about this.
​Although the requirement is at least 500 words, you may write more than the minimum if that would result in a better essay. It’s fine if you have fun doing this and being creative.


Our first goal is to set up a democratic political system for our new country as one of the 10,000 selected settlers heading towards the newly built island in the Atlantic Ocean. We must establish a government structure that can successfully carry out its duties and meet the needs of our society because we have a tiny population and few human resources.

First and foremost, we must create a constitution that spells out the duties and rights of our people as well as the authority and bounds of our government. While the U.S. Constitution may serve as a guide, we must make sure that our new constitution is suitable for our particular situation as a small island nation.

The duties of our new administration should include upholding the rule of law, offering necessary services, fostering economic development, and safeguarding the environment. We need to create a bureaucracy that can perform these tasks effectively without being unduly onerous or ineffective. To do this, a system of checks and balances must be put in place to prevent any one branch of government from acquiring excessive authority.

We suggest a three-branch system of government, with an executive branch in charge of upholding the law and overseeing daily operations, a legislative branch in charge of enacting legislation and establishing policy, and a judicial branch in charge of interpreting and upholding the law.

We suggest a system of frequent elections where people can cast their votes for the candidates they favor to guarantee that our leaders are chosen democratically. Establishing procedures for recalling elected leaders who are no longer serving the needs of our constituents is also necessary.

We support the creation of many political parties to allow for a wide variety of opinions and ideas. But we must also set up mechanisms, like a proportional representation system or a runoff election system, to prevent any one political party from attaining excessive control.

Last but not least, it is critical to remember that our future country must be environmentally conscious and sustainable. To safeguard our natural resources and stop environmental deterioration, we must adopt policies and regulations. We suggest creating a specific division inside our government to manage environmental law and policy.

As we move closer to our new island nation, we must develop a democratic, effective, and long-lasting political system. We can make sure that our new country operates effectively within the law by adopting a constitution that spells out the rights and obligations of our citizens and our government, as well as by setting up a system of checks and balances and frequent elections.


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