Sleep Habits and Academic Performance: Exploring the Link with Mental Health in Marquette College Students


Write the discussion part of this research. The topic of the research is: How do student sleep habits impact academic performance and mental health? We will assess how different sleep habits affect grades and mental health (i.e., depression and anxiety symptoms) in Marquette College students


College students’ interest in the connection between sleep patterns, academic performance, and mental health has grown recently. Like many other colleges and universities, Marquette College is home to a diverse student body with a wide range of sleeping patterns and lifestyles. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of various sleeping patterns on Marquette College students’ academic performance and mental health.

A sample of Marquette College students will be chosen at random to participate in this study. The chosen students will be required to take a survey that evaluates their academic performance, mental health (depression and anxiety symptoms), and sleep habits and patterns. To account for potential confounding factors, the poll will also capture demographic data, such as age, gender, and year of college.

Regression analysis and correlation analysis are two statistical techniques that will be used to examine the survey data. These techniques will make it easier to ascertain the nature and intensity of the connection between sleeping patterns, academic success, and mental wellness. Additionally, we will be able to spot any notable variations in sleep patterns, academic achievement, and mental health between various subgroups of pupils depending on demographic variables through data analysis.

The results of this study are anticipated to offer significant new information about how sleep patterns affect college students’ academic performance and mental health. The findings might also affect the creation of policies and initiatives that assist college students’ mental health and encourage good sleeping practices. The study will also add to the expanding corpus of research on the connection between sleep, mental health, and academic achievement and could guide future studies in this field.

In conclusion, the current study intends to ascertain how various sleeping patterns affect Marquette College students’ academic performance and mental health. This study will advance our knowledge of the elements that affect students’ success and well-being by investigating the connections between sleep patterns, academic achievement, and mental health.

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