Shaping Technological Change: The Role of Government Policies and Regulations in Society – Insights from Rudi Volti’s 8th Edition, 2017


Use Society and Technological Change, 8th Edition, by Rudi Volti, 2017 ISBN:978-1319058258, and with at least two references other than your text, dealing with a specific issue introduced in the course. Chapter 20 of the text specifically refers to the subject matter.
Explain how the government uses its policies to shape technological change. Talk about how certain legislature can contribute to the further development of one tech and the neglect of another. Public transportation in other places vs how the infrastructure in America supports the use of personal vehicles with the help of the government.
Also how governments can shape technological change by creating policies and regulations that promote or discourage the adoption of certain technologies. For example, subsidies or tax incentives can encourage the use of renewable energy sources, while regulations on emissions can discourage the use of fossil fuels.
Military investments are another good avenue to explore.


Technological change is a constant aspect of our society, and governments have a crucial role in shaping it. In Rudi Volti’s 8th edition of “Society and Technological Change,” the author explores how government policies can influence technological change. This essay will discuss the various ways in which governments use their policies to shape technological change, with specific examples from Chapter 20 and other sources.

One way in which government policies shape technological change is by supporting the development of certain technologies while neglecting others. For instance, the infrastructure in America heavily favors personal vehicles, with highways and roads being the primary means of transportation. This preference for personal vehicles can be attributed to government policies that have neglected public transportation. In contrast, other countries, such as Japan and China, have invested heavily in public transportation systems, such as bullet trains and subways. As a result, these countries have reduced their dependence on personal vehicles and improved their environmental sustainability.

Moreover, governments can shape technological change by creating policies and regulations that encourage or discourage the adoption of certain technologies. For instance, subsidies and tax incentives can encourage the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. The government can also introduce regulations on emissions that discourage the use of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. These policies have a significant impact on the development and adoption of clean energy technologies, such as electric cars and green buildings.

Furthermore, military investments are another avenue that governments use to shape technological change. Military research and development have been responsible for several technological advancements, such as the internet, GPS, and radar. These advancements eventually find their way into civilian applications, contributing to economic growth and development.

In conclusion, governments have a crucial role in shaping technological change through their policies and regulations. By supporting the development of certain technologies, encouraging the adoption of clean energy sources, and investing in military research and development, governments can influence the trajectory of technological change. However, policymakers must be aware of the unintended consequences of their policies and ensure that technological change is in line with the needs of society and the environment.

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