Exploring the Complexity of Social Issues through 2×2 Factorial Designs


Week 3 Topic:
Factorial designs have become increasingly popular because they can show a better picture of the complexity of behavior. In 300 words or more, think of a social issue within your local community that you could investigate using a 2 x 2 factorial design.
Describe the social issue and explain why a factorial design would be a good choice for your investigation.
Identify the independent variables that you will be using as well as the dependent variable.
Does this design contain any participant variables? Why or why not?
How can a factorial design impact external validity?
Do not forget supporting in-text citations.
Include two or more references.
This discussion does not need to be an APA paper, Just a few proper paragraphs


As they enable the analysis of numerous independent factors and their interacting effects on the dependent variable, factorial designs are an important research technique in social science. In this essay, I’ll go through how a 2×2 factorial design was used to examine how socioeconomic status and educational attainment affected access to healthcare services in my neighborhood.

In many communities, including mine, access to healthcare is a critical social issue. Healthcare access is more difficult for people with lower socioeconomic positions and less education, which causes inequities in health outcomes. A 2×2 factorial design is the best choice for this investigation because it enables the analysis of the interactions between two independent variables—socioeconomic status and educational attainment—and the dependent variable—access to healthcare.

The socioeconomic position and education level, each with two levels (poor and high), is the independent factors in this study. The dependent variable would be access to healthcare, which can be assessed by several variables including the frequency of doctor visits, the use of preventative treatment, and hospitalization rates.

Since the study does not manipulate or measure any participant’s personal qualities or attributes, this design does not include any participant variables. Based on their socioeconomic situation and degree of education, which will be ascertained through self-report or census data, study participants will be chosen.

By enabling the evaluation of numerous factors and their interactions, a factorial design can have an impact on external validity by facilitating a more thorough knowledge of the social issue under study. It is crucial to remember that the findings might only apply to the given population and study situation.

In conclusion, a 2×2 factorial design can be a useful study instrument to examine how socioeconomic position and education level affect community members’ access to healthcare services. This methodology can provide insights into a complex societal issue and guide initiatives to alleviate healthcare disparities by identifying the independent and dependent factors as well as taking into account the potential impact on external validity.


D. L. Jackson (2015). Factorial research methods in social and behavioral sciences. Routledge.

N. E. Adler, K. Newman, et al. Health disparities due to socioeconomic status: routes and policies. 21(2) of Health Affairs, 60–76.

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