Readings: Topics open for discussio

Readings: Topics open for discussion related to week 5 readings( Please respond to 3 of the 5 questions below:) ~In looking at SFMC’s annual report do you think any of its components could be adapted to make wilderness therapy programs more accessible to diverse populations and socioeconomic groups. Why or why not? ~Do you think it is possible to change public perceptions and govt. policies in order to garner support and funding for making wilderness programs more accessible? If so, any ideas on how you might do this. ~In considering the September 12, 2013 High Country News article can you think of other personal or cultural norms, beliefs or bias’ that might preclude wilderness therapy as a viable option for certain individuals or groups? ~What areas of research do you think are still lacking in justifying wilderness therapy’s efficacy for adolescents and young adults? ~Do you agree with proponents of wilderness therapy stating that “it could be a cost-effective option in the long run”? Why or why not? *Each discussion for this semester will need to be 250 words minimum

This week’s paper is required to be approximately 4 -6 pages in length, not incl

This week’s paper is required to be approximately 4 -6 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page. No paper should be fewer than 1400 words. Double space your work, cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. If you have quotes included in your paper, you should have more than 1400 words to compensate. Your work will be automatically reviewed by Turnitin upon submission. Please make sure you have cited your work properly. Utilize the APA resource material provided in our library. After our readings over the past three weeks, you should have an understanding of the types of strategy, organizational culture, the elements of internal and external environments, industry life cycles and the types of risk a company may take. Select one of the case studies attached here (I have attached the Nintendo PDF). After reading the case study you selected, please answer the following questions in your paper. Your essay will address these items: Select a company from those provided here. In addition to the information in the case study, research this company using at least (2) outside scholarly articles. Do not use a website as a reference. Your reference source must have an author. Discuss six selected topics from our studies throughout weeks one through four. Discuss these six topics in relation to your company and discuss how the economic situation of today influences the strategic decisions your company is making. Each of the six topics discussed should be in bold print. For example, one topic you may choose may be how your company handles competition (Five Forces Framework). Another topic may be your company’s life cycle. You may choose to discuss your company’s value chain. Choose your topics and explore them in detail throughout your paper. Use headings to introduce your topics. Chose your own topics. Give examples using the terms and concepts in your textbook readings and your research articles. A. What is the vision statement of your selected company and what is your company’s purpose? B. What is the importance of each of the six topics within your company? C. What is the usefulness of understanding this topic in today’s corporate economy? D. Through what strategies does your selected company choose to excel over other strategically grouped companies. For example, what strategies does Apple choose that keeps it on top? Some of the 10 case studies have authors shown in the beginning of the case study. Formulate your reference listing from those authors listed. If no case study author is found, then use the text where the cases were derived. The reference listing for the case studies without a separate author listed is: Dess, G. G., Eisner, A. B. & McNamara, G., Lee, S.H. (2020). Strategic management text and cases, (10th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin (Dess et al, 2020). Paper Format (no abstract): Title Page – Include a title page with your name, student number, title of your paper, course number & course name. Introductory Paragraph – Include an introductory paragraph that states your company and your six topics and why you selected them. Font and Spacing – Use Times New Roman 12 pitch font with double-spaced lines. Length – Write a 4 to 6 page essay not including the title page and citation page. Make sure you have at least 1400 words, not including the title and reference page. Reference Page – Include all sources including your textbook on a separate reference page. Listing a websites alone is not a proper reference. Scholarly references have authors. All references must have citations within your paper. Use APA format. Punctuation, essay format (thesis, supporting paragraphs with transition and topic sentences, and summary) grammar and documentation count toward your grade. And No A.I. Please and thank you

The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will Legal Case Study Please see the questions shown in

The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will
Legal Case Study
Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

In Week 1, you selected and analyzed a health issue and described the population

In Week 1, you selected and analyzed a health issue and described the population most affected by it, using the PRECEDE-PROCEED health promotion program planning model. In Week 2, you learned how to conduct a needs assessment and how the results of the needs assessments are used in health promotion program planning and design. In Week 3, you analyzed the predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling behavioral risk factors for your selected health issue, using the PRECEDE-PROCEED health promotion program planning model. In Week 4, you selected and evaluated the strategies of two social marketing campaigns. This week you will address your selected health issue based on the individual project components you have completed throughout this course. Compile the relevant ideas from the papers developed from Week 1 through Week 4 to create a complete health promotion program plan. Write a 15 to 20 page, double-spaced, research paper. Use the eight (8) phases of PRECEDE-PROCEED health promotion planning model, to create a health promotion plan for your selected health issue. Please include the following in your paper: Write a 1 to 2-page executive summary about the health promotion program plan. The executive summary should be written keeping a lay audience in mind. Create one or more graphic organizers for the planning model, following the framework of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. Please remember to also: Identify a working group for implementation of your selected strategies (Phase 4) Explain how strategies would be adopted, implemented, and maintained in the community (Phase 5) Write an introduction, a summary, and include a separate title page and a page for references. Be sure to use a minimum of five scholarly references and support your statements with appropriate examples.

Analyze a proposed solution to a public health problem, demonstrating the abilit

Analyze a proposed solution to a public health problem, demonstrating the ability to present concise oral and written reports that defend the appropriateness of the solution selected.
You have been hired as a Deputy Secretary of Health Office Intern of Maryland. The topic of healthcare is mentioned in the national news on an almost weekly basis. Given the upcoming gubernatorial election, the governor has asked the health commissioner to provide a summary of the state’s public health status. The Secretary has tasked you to develop the analysis and assessment of such.
Go to the Country Health Rankings & Roadmaps website and complete the following steps:
1. Access the Rankings for Maryland.
2. View the maps for health outcomes and health factors for the most recent year available, and compare the two. Which counties rank first and last in the state? Is the ranking of health outcomes and health factors aligned? Why? Or why not?
3. Use the “Compare Counties” feature to examine your home county with another (it can be either the first, last, or another of your choosing). Describe how your home county compares to the state as a whole. Tip: pick one health outcome and one health factor to compare across the counties and the state.
4. Go to the Action Center and explore the sections there. Based on the Governor’s elections concerns, you think that he might be questioned
-On the ethical issues around the public health outcome/factor you chose to analyze.
-It would drive the question about the local policies in place to address it,
-And the state/federal regulations and agencies responsible for their enforcement.
5. The Candidate will be expected to demonstrate viable ideas and plans in counteracting the issue as well as leadership tools applied to calm and reassure the public.
1. Conduct analysis and develop a research brief (research report) addressing 1-4 no longer than 6-8 pages long.
2. Develop a Press Release conveying the information from your research report ( for the Candidate to be presented at the press conference dedicated to the election.
Research Report (6-8 pages plus the title and reference pages)
Submit the Press Release (no more than 600-800 words plus the title and reference page) in a separate file for grading.

Listen to this podcast.

Listen to this podcast. to an external site.
Post your comments below. What did you learn? (200-300 words).
Respond to THREE of your peers. Your response should be longer than 50 words.

You will research your assigned topic, The Use of Eugenics, in at least two page

You will research your assigned topic, The Use of Eugenics, in at least two pages. You will need at least three sources, which must be in MLA format, 12 pt, Times New Roman, and double-spaced. One source from These Truths is a history of the United States, and two other sources are outside sources. NO AI PLEASE

For this week’s assignment, we will be using an AI scale which is adapted from t

For this week’s assignment, we will be using an AI scale which is adapted from the scholar Leon Furzel to exite us through how we engage with GenAI in this lesson.
AI Scale: 2 will be enforced for this assignment. Please look at the AI Scale Policy attached.
After carefully reading Chapter 4 and this week’s web links,
completing the VARK assessment to determine your personal learning style and reflecting on points you consider to be valid in both the VARK articles and the Metacognition article, prepare your response to the following questions in your word processor, then submit through the assignment link when you are ready.
Minimum criteria: Use evidence from credible sources to support your statements


Learning Styles
– use these websites
Remember that in APA (7th edition) you need in text citations to show where you used the content from your sources, not just a reference list.
Use the APA 7th edition style guide to format your citations and reference list.
Make sure you use terms and concepts from the reading assignments, as well as your personal opinion and experience. Support your statements with references and cite them.
Use the attached learning style worksheet to record your response to the assignment
Do not alter the worksheet
Do not include a cover sheet

The topic of immigrants and crime. If communities with high rates of immigrants

The topic of immigrants and crime. If communities with high rates of immigrants have higher rates of crime (and increases/decreases in immigrants are associated with increases/decreases in crime), then indirectly, you could use the conclusion of this research to argue for or against better border security.
Here are three articles that you should start with for your research:
Requirements and Overview of the Research Paper
Your capstone research paper will be written as a policy report. It must be between 4,000 words and 5,000 words in length (and this includes the title page and the reference pages). Your research paper/policy report needs to be double-spaced with 1.0-inch margins and using a 12-point Times New Roman font. Your policy report must be based entirely on published research (and not your opinion or non-scholarly opinions). You should have at least 15, but likely more
For this project, you will examine policies through a critical, social-scientific, empirical lens and produce an action-oriented policy report targeting policymakers and agency executives (e.g., chiefs of police). It will inform policymakers and agency executives on what they can do to improve what scholars and many people in communities of color call the ‘criminal injustice system.’ Thus, your policy report will include several in-text citations referencing journal articles, books, book chapters, and reports from reputable agencies such as the Vera Institute, the Prison Policy Initiative, the Sentencing Project, and government agencies like the Department of Justice.
To illustrate how you might proceed: Existing drug policy still adheres to the tenets of the “war on drugs” and, as such, is more oriented toward enforcement than toward prevention and treatment. Enforcement-based strategies are, by themselves, limited in their overall effectiveness. Drug courts have become significant players in the fight against drugs, but enforcement remains the focal point of policy efforts. Racial disparities in prison populations have been attributed to the war on drugs and accompanying determinant sentencing structures. Yet, policymakers have been reluctant to alter sentencing schemes or legislation that flatly prohibits drug sale, possession, and use. If this were your focus (or topic of investigation), you would review the evidence about the effectiveness of enforcement-based and treatment-based efforts and the relative cost-effectiveness of each and recommend to a policymaking audience what strategies, practices, and programs should be adopted. As a final note, you need to view “effectiveness” broadly, including issues of justice, fairness, and what are known as “collateral consequences,” not just in terms of reducing or preventing crime.
The Structural Elements of the Capstone Policy Report
Policy reports directly reflect the policy analyst’s roles, i.e., from researcher to advocate. The type of report you are writing is the more action-oriented advocacy end of the continuum (nevertheless, based purely on evidence and not your opinion). Although there is variation even at this end of the scale, the most common elements of a policy report are as follows:
• (Title Page)
• Executive Summary
• Context and the Importance of the Problem
• Pre-Exiting Policies, Policy Alternatives, and Research
• Conclusion
• Policy Recommendations
• References

The goal of your first seed is to take something you know about well—your own ex

The goal of your first seed is to take something you know about well—your own
experiences—and explore how that topic connects to a larger audience of readers.
Specifically, this assignment asks you to write about something unique or interesting
about you or your family. I’d encourage you to think about family broadly—it can be your
immediate family, but it can also extend to people you aren’t related to who are a part of
your chosen family, your family of friends, your neighbors, etc