A marketing company based out of New York City is doing well and is looking to e

A marketing company based out of New York City is doing well and is looking to expand internationally. The CEO and VP of Operations decide to enlist the help of a consulting firm that you work for, to help collect data and analyze market trends.
You work for Mercer Human Resources. The Mercer Human Resource Consulting website (https://www.mercer.com/en-us/) lists prices of certain items in selected cities around the world. They also report an overall cost-of-living index for each city compared to the costs of hundreds of items in New York City (NYC). For example, London at 88.33 is 11.67% less expensive than NYC.
More specifically, if you choose to explore the website further you will find a lot of fun and interesting data. You can explore the website more on your own after the course concludes.
https://mobilityexchange.mercer.com/Insights/ cost-of-living-rankings#rankings
Assignment Guidance:
In the Excel document, you will find the 2018 data for 17 cities in the data set Cost of Living. Included are the 2018 cost of living index, cost of a 3-bedroom apartment (per month), price of monthly transportation pass, price of a mid-range bottle of wine, price of a loaf of bread (1 lb.), the price of a gallon of milk and price for a 12 oz. cup of black coffee. All prices are in U.S. dollars.
You use this information to run a Multiple Linear Regression to predict Cost of living, along with calculating various descriptive statistics. This is given in the Excel output (that is, the MLR has already been calculated. Your task is to interpret the data).
Based on this information, in which city should you open a second office in? You must justify your answer. If you want to recommend 2 or 3 different cities and rank them based on the data and your findings, this is fine as well.
Deliverable Requirements:
This should be ¾ to 1 page, no more than 1 single-spaced page in length, using 12-point Times New Roman font. You do not need to do any calculations, but you do need to pick a city to open a second location at and justify your answer based upon the provided results of the Multiple Linear Regression.
The format of this assignment will be an Executive Summary. Think of this assignment as the first page of a much longer report, known as an Executive Summary, that essentially summarizes your findings briefly and at a high level. This needs to be written up neatly and professionally. This would be something you would present at a board meeting in a corporate environment. If you are unsure of an Executive Summary, this resource can help with an overview. How to Write an Executive Summary That Gets the Job Done 2023.pdf
Things to Consider:
To help you make this decision here are some things to consider:
Based on the MLR output, what variable(s) is/are significant?
From the significant predictors, review the mean, median, min, max, Q1 and Q3 values?
It might be a good idea to compare these values to what the New York value is for that variable. Remember New York is the baseline as that is where headquarters are located.
Based on the descriptive statistics, for the significant predictors, what city has the best potential?
What city or cities fall are below the median?
What city or cities are in the upper 3rd quartile?

watch the following webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg4GV4i6Yek provid

watch the following webinar:

provide your insights to the following questions (2 to 3-page response with appropriate APA References and citations):
    How did this webinar help you to better understand the problem statement development process?
    Which of the steps described in the webinar would present the biggest challenge for you? Why?
    Which of the steps described in the webinar would be the least challenging for you? Why?
    How did this webinar help you to reconceptualize the problem that you plan to study?

Instructions Prepare an evaluation of two of the dissertations listed in the L

Prepare an evaluation of two of the dissertations listed in the Lesson 6 course resources. Select one quantitative study and one qualitative study and evaluate each, including answers to the questions listed below:
Quantitative Dissertation (4-5 pages)
    Briefly describe the problem, purpose, research questions, and the null and alternative hypotheses.
    Describe the methodology and design.
    How was the data collected (validated instruments, surveys, etc.)? 
    How many participants were included in the study? Why was this number selected?
    How was the data analyzed?
    How was the research design for this study supported in the literature? Please explain.
    What theoretical framework supported the study? Please explain.
Who are the seminal authors for this research design and why are they important?
What are possible ethical issues that may have arisen when conducting this study? Name at least three issues and substantiate them.
What are possible feasibility issues that may have arisen when conducting this study? Name at least three and substantiate them.
What are the strengths of this research design? Name at least three strengths and substantiate them. 
What are the weaknesses of this research design? Name at least three weaknesses and substantiate them.
    How are the results of the study limited by the design selected? Please explain.
    What alternative quantitative research design might be selected to add additional insights about this topic into the scholarly literature?
    What would the outcomes of this alternative quantitative design add to the scholarly literature?
Qualitative Dissertation (4-5 pages)
Briefly describe the problem, purpose, and research questions.
    Describe the methodology and design.
    How was the data collected (interviews, surveys, etc.)? 
    How many participants were included in the study? Why was this number selected?
    How was the data analyzed?
    How was the research design for this study supported in the literature? Please explain.
What theoretical framework supported the study? Please explain.
Who are the seminal authors for this research design and why are they important?
What are possible ethical issues that may have arisen when conducting this study? Name at least three issues and substantiate them.
What are possible feasibility issues that may have arisen when conducting this study? Name at least three issues and substantiate them.
What are the strengths of this research design? Name at least three strengths and substantiate them.
What are the weaknesses of this research design? Name at least three weaknesses and substantiate them. 
How are the results of the study limited by the design selected? Please explain.
What alternative qualitative research design might be selected to add additional insights about this topic into the scholarly literature?
What would the outcomes of this alternative qualitative design add to the scholarly literature?
Length: This assignment must be 8-10 pages (excluding the title and reference pages).
References: Include a minimum of 10 scholarly resources (minimum of 5 for the quantitative dissertation and minimum of 5 for the qualitative dissertation).

Read the following case study: From Narrative to Numerical Data: Building Upon a

Read the following case study:
From Narrative to Numerical Data: Building Upon a Rich Foundation
de la Garza, B., & Montoya, J. A., (2021). From narrative to numerical data: Building upon a rich foundation. In Sage Research Methods Cases Part 1. SAGE Publications, Ltd., https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529762990
Part one:
Answer the discussion questions included in the resource (listed above):
Explain the primary ethical and methodological issues which occurred with this study and discuss how they could have been avoided when the study was developed.
Develop a research question that would require both numerical (quantitative) and narrative (qualitative) data. What ethical considerations  should you as the researcher consider when collecting and analyzing data to address your research question(s)?
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of including a narrative component in your research study.
Part 2:
Take the quiz and prepare a reflection on the following questions: 
    How did the answers to the quiz align with your understanding of the quiz content?
    How did this activity help you to better understand the ethical issues that might arise in a research study?

valuating whether to include a particular study in your literature review from a

valuating whether to include a particular study in your literature review from a methodological perspective is important. In this assignment, you will prepare a critique of how the methodologies used in the attached dissertation align with the literature reviews in that dissertation.
Include the information listed below in the critique. 
    Provide an overview of the problem or issue presented in the study, the purpose of the study, and the methodology used for the study. (1 page)
Evaluate the Literature Review as it Relates to Methodology
    How do the major headings and subheadings in the literature review relate to the overview of the study? (1 page)
    How does the literature review support the study method (qualitative or quantitative) in the study? Please explain. (1-2 pages)
    How might the literature review support using an alternative method (quantitative instead of qualitative; or qualitative instead of quantitative) for the study? (1-2 pages) Please explain.
    Find an additional 5 scholarly sources (dated within the past 3 years) that might have been included in the literature review and critcally assess how they might have supported the selected methodology for the study.  (3-4 pages)
    Synthesize the components of your critique to emphasize your evaluations. (1-2 pages)

For this assignment, prepare a brief paper to address the following:     Explai

For this assignment, prepare a brief paper to address the following:
    Explain two types of records used for existing data designs.
    Provide examples concerning how archival research data design, content analysis, and meta-analysis might be used for a study (of each, not necessarily together).
    Evaluate the common uses of existing data designs (examples). Explain any issues with how results may be used. Provide examples to support your findings.
Support your assignment with at least one scholarly resource. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
Length: 1-2 pages, not including title and reference pages

This Signature Assignment consists of two parts that will be compiled into a sin

This Signature Assignment consists of two parts that will be compiled into a single submission.
Part 1
Review the scenarios and related research questions below. Create some context for the identified scenario and research question. Then, select one qualitative research method that could address the research questions (one for each) based on the section topics and readings. For each method, discuss what the method is, how it would be designed to support the research question and the rationale for choosing the selected method.
Explain the following, and then justify your response:
    Justify the use of the qualitative method you selected.
    Identify the potential population and sample.
    Explain the collection and analysis strategies you would use.
    Examine the relationship of trustworthiness to your selected design.
    Analyze any ethical issues, including the process of reflexivity and how you would account for it.
You must clearly describe the key points of each area, supporting each step with citations to your course text as well as peer-reviewed studies that directly align with the key areas discussed.
Scenario: Research has demonstrated that bank teller turnover continues to be high throughout the financial industry. In particular, studies reveal that if the turnover issue is not addressed, poor customer service and increase in training costs will continue to be a concern. After reviewing the literature, it is clear that a qualitative exploration may help reveal a meaningful understanding of the turnover issue and how it might be improved. The following research question was developed in support of this problem:
Research Question 1: How do bank managers perceive reducing high turnover in their banking institutions?
Scenario: Research has demonstrated that bank teller turnover continues to be high throughout the financial industry. In particular, studies reveal that more needs to be understood about its existence in particular to how the industry may fully appreciate the issue and then consider how it might be approached. After reviewing the literature, it is clear that a qualitative exploration may help reveal a meaningful understanding of the turnover issue. The following research question was developed in support of this problem:
Research Question 2: What are bank managers’ lived experiences of high turnover in their banking institutions?
Part 2
Reflect on your experiences. First person perspective is acceptable. In the reflection, begin by considering your research learning experiences for the past six weeks of this course, and then address the following:
    Describe your experiences of engaging with the activities and material for Weeks 7-12.
        What was new information to you?
        What was familiar?
        What did you enjoy the most and why (if at all)?
        What did you enjoy the least and why (if at all)?
    What preconceived notions did you have about qualitative methods and how have your experiences over these weeks supported or conflicted with them?
    As you continue exploring research on your topic of interest and a potential research problem and research questions, and if the research was revealing that a qualitative study was more appropriate, how comfortable are you with implementing a qualitative research study (again, consider how the problem and research questions guide this direction)?
Support your assignment (for Part 1) with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
Part 1 Length: 8-10 pages
Part 2 Length: 3-5 pages
Total Length: 11-15 pages, not including title and reference pages

For this assignment, you will examine the case study method. Prepare a brief pap

For this assignment, you will examine the case study method. Prepare a brief paper to address the following:
    Explain the types of case studies used in qualitative research and provide an example of each.
    Determine the factors for a case study to be considered “single” or “multiple” in design.
    Describe the data that are typically collected and analyzed in a case study design. Explain what determines the type of collection and analysis process used, and how you plan to assess the boundaries of the case.
    Describe the steps identified in this week’s readings for conducting a thematic analysis, and then discuss how you would apply each of them to a given qualitative data set and case study method (such as interviews from a given sample).
Support your assignment with at least one scholarly resource. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
Length: 1-2 pages, not including title and reference pages

For this week’s reflection, consider the following points:     Explain the rese

For this week’s reflection, consider the following points:
    Explain the research situations that may require you to use the qualitative case study method (be sure to give examples/be specific).
    Examine the limitations and benefits learned about this method and its use.
    Analyze any ethical considerations with implementing this method based on overarching ethical issues that can occur in qualitative research.
    Reflect on your experience with this week’s case study activity.
    Include any questions you may have for your professor.
Length: 2-3 pages, not including the title page (and resource page if applicable)