Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog Description states, “A combination of physical activity and lecture providing regular exercise to develop physical fitness.”
You are required to exercise 3 times per week.
Each week I will provide 3 recorded yoga classes so you can exercise at home at your convenience.
Each class is approximately 35-50 minutes long.
When you have completed all three classes you will submit your answers to the following questions.
What did you enjoy about each of the three classes? Please designate each class. For example, in Class #1: I enjoyed the feeling of relaxation after I was done taking the class. I enjoyed the shoulder stretches because I have limited movement in my shoulders. I had a difficult time with the one-legged balance. You may discuss specific poses and exercises that you experienced in each of the videos. You will say something about each class. Please talk specifically about the classes so I know you are practicing along with each video.
What was difficult about the class, or did anything hurt? Be specific. For example, in Class #1: I can’t sit cross-legged on the floor. Is there another way I can complete the exercise without my legs hurting? That way I can help. You may also ask a question and I will answer your question in the comments area when I grade your weekly exercise assignment.
Submit your assignment at the end of each module/week.
You may type your answers into the text box, or attach them in doc, Docx, or pdf.
Module 2 Recorded Yoga Classes. Click on the links below to see and exercise with the videos.
Yoga Class 4
Yoga Class 5
Yoga Class 6
Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!
Step-by-Step Guide to Completing Your Weekly Yoga Exercise Assignment
Step 1: Understand the Requirements of the Assignment
The goal of this assignment is to complete three yoga classes per week. Afterward, you need to submit a response addressing the following:
- What you enjoyed about each class, including specific exercises or poses.
- What was difficult or caused any discomfort, and how you can address these challenges.
- You can ask questions if something didn’t feel right or if you need further guidance.
The format for your submission is flexible—you can submit the answers typed into the text box, or attach them in doc, docx, or pdf format.
Step 2: Watch the Recorded Yoga Classes
- Access the three recorded yoga classes provided for the week. These classes are around 35-50 minutes long, so make sure you set aside enough time to complete each one.
- Practice each class fully, paying close attention to how your body responds to each stretch and pose. Take note of what you like and dislike during and after each class. Focus on physical sensations like relaxation, tension relief, or discomfort.
Step 3: Reflect on Each Class
After completing each yoga session, take some time to reflect. Your answers should be specific to each class. Here’s a breakdown of what to include for each:
- Class #1:
- What you enjoyed: Mention specific stretches, poses, or the general flow of the class. For example, did you enjoy any poses that helped you relax, or did you notice any improvement in your flexibility or balance?
- What was difficult or painful: If something was challenging, describe it specifically. For instance, were there any poses that caused discomfort or were difficult to perform due to flexibility or strength limitations? Also, mention any physical issues (e.g., knee pain, back stiffness) and how you managed them.
- Class #2:
- What you enjoyed: Focus on a different aspect compared to Class #1. Did you feel more energized, or did a certain sequence or stretch feel particularly good? Reflect on your experience with different poses this time around.
- What was difficult or painful: If there were any new challenges in this class, explain them. Perhaps certain poses became harder due to muscle soreness or because of previous experiences. Discuss how your body responded and any modifications you tried.
- Class #3:
- What you enjoyed: Highlight any new stretches or poses that stood out. Did you feel a sense of accomplishment after completing a pose or the full class? How did you feel afterward?
- What was difficult or painful: If the third class was particularly challenging in any way, discuss it here. If you encountered recurring difficulties, think about how you can adjust or work through them in future sessions.
Step 4: Address Any Questions or Concerns
If anything was unclear or if you had questions during the classes, make sure to include them in your submission. For example:
- “In Class #2, I found it difficult to hold the tree pose for long. Is there a way to build up balance over time?”
- “In Class #3, I experienced some discomfort in my lower back during the forward fold. Do you have any tips to ease that?”
These questions will help your instructor provide specific guidance in their comments when grading your submission.
Step 5: Review Your Responses
Once you’ve written your reflections for all three classes, review your answers to ensure you’ve addressed all aspects of the prompt for each class. You should include:
- Specific details about what you enjoyed (mentioning particular poses or exercises).
- Specific difficulties (e.g., tightness in a certain area or balance issues).
- Any questions you may have had during the sessions.
Step 6: Submit Your Assignment
Once you’re satisfied with your answers, submit your assignment. You can:
- Type directly into the text box, or
- Attach a file (doc, docx, or pdf).
Make sure to submit before the end of the module/week to receive credit for completing the required exercise.