Weekly Yoga Class Reflection: Experience, Challenges, and Insights

Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog Description states, “A combination of physical activity and lecture providing regular exercise to develop physical fitness.”
You are required to exercise 3 times per week.
Each week I will provide 3 recorded yoga classes so you can exercise at home at your convenience.
Each class is approximately 35-50 minutes long.
When you have completed all three classes you will submit your answers to the following questions.
What did you enjoy about each of the three classes? Please designate each class. For example, in Class #1: I enjoyed the feeling of relaxation after I was done taking the class. I enjoyed the shoulder stretches because I have limited movement in my shoulders. I had a difficult time with the one-legged balance. You may discuss specific poses and exercises that you experienced in each of the videos. You will say something about each class. Please talk specifically about the classes so I know you are practicing along with each video.
What was difficult about the class, or did anything hurt? Be specific. For example, in Class #1: I can’t sit cross-legged on the floor. Is there another way I can complete the exercise without my legs hurting? That way I can help. You may also ask a question and I will answer your question in the comments area when I grade your weekly exercise assignment.
Submit your assignment at the end of each module/week.
You may type your answers into the text box, or attach them in doc, Docx, or pdf.
Module 2 Recorded Yoga Classes. Click on the links below to see and exercise with the videos.
Yoga Class 4
Yoga Class 5
Yoga Class 6

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step-by-Step Guide to Completing Your Weekly Yoga Exercise Assignment

Step 1: Understand the Requirements of the Assignment

The goal of this assignment is to complete three yoga classes per week. Afterward, you need to submit a response addressing the following:

  1. What you enjoyed about each class, including specific exercises or poses.
  2. What was difficult or caused any discomfort, and how you can address these challenges.
  3. You can ask questions if something didn’t feel right or if you need further guidance.

The format for your submission is flexible—you can submit the answers typed into the text box, or attach them in doc, docx, or pdf format.

Step 2: Watch the Recorded Yoga Classes

  • Access the three recorded yoga classes provided for the week. These classes are around 35-50 minutes long, so make sure you set aside enough time to complete each one.
  • Practice each class fully, paying close attention to how your body responds to each stretch and pose. Take note of what you like and dislike during and after each class. Focus on physical sensations like relaxation, tension relief, or discomfort.

Step 3: Reflect on Each Class

After completing each yoga session, take some time to reflect. Your answers should be specific to each class. Here’s a breakdown of what to include for each:

  • Class #1:
    • What you enjoyed: Mention specific stretches, poses, or the general flow of the class. For example, did you enjoy any poses that helped you relax, or did you notice any improvement in your flexibility or balance?
    • What was difficult or painful: If something was challenging, describe it specifically. For instance, were there any poses that caused discomfort or were difficult to perform due to flexibility or strength limitations? Also, mention any physical issues (e.g., knee pain, back stiffness) and how you managed them.
  • Class #2:
    • What you enjoyed: Focus on a different aspect compared to Class #1. Did you feel more energized, or did a certain sequence or stretch feel particularly good? Reflect on your experience with different poses this time around.
    • What was difficult or painful: If there were any new challenges in this class, explain them. Perhaps certain poses became harder due to muscle soreness or because of previous experiences. Discuss how your body responded and any modifications you tried.
  • Class #3:
    • What you enjoyed: Highlight any new stretches or poses that stood out. Did you feel a sense of accomplishment after completing a pose or the full class? How did you feel afterward?
    • What was difficult or painful: If the third class was particularly challenging in any way, discuss it here. If you encountered recurring difficulties, think about how you can adjust or work through them in future sessions.

Step 4: Address Any Questions or Concerns

If anything was unclear or if you had questions during the classes, make sure to include them in your submission. For example:

  • “In Class #2, I found it difficult to hold the tree pose for long. Is there a way to build up balance over time?”
  • “In Class #3, I experienced some discomfort in my lower back during the forward fold. Do you have any tips to ease that?”

These questions will help your instructor provide specific guidance in their comments when grading your submission.

Step 5: Review Your Responses

Once you’ve written your reflections for all three classes, review your answers to ensure you’ve addressed all aspects of the prompt for each class. You should include:

  1. Specific details about what you enjoyed (mentioning particular poses or exercises).
  2. Specific difficulties (e.g., tightness in a certain area or balance issues).
  3. Any questions you may have had during the sessions.

Step 6: Submit Your Assignment

Once you’re satisfied with your answers, submit your assignment. You can:

  • Type directly into the text box, or
  • Attach a file (doc, docx, or pdf).

Make sure to submit before the end of the module/week to receive credit for completing the required exercise.

Create Your SMART Behavior Change Goal with this Step-by-Step Guide

For this assignment, you will create your own behavior change goal. By using the information from Discussion 2 and SMART Goals, and after you have submitted this assignment and received my feedback, you will try to make progress towards or reach your goal during this semester. You will tell me about your experience at the end of the semester when you are completing your Behavior Change Reflections Final.
Complete Discussion 2 before starting this assignment.
Read the Reaching Your Goals the SMART Way pdf by clicking on the link below. You can also find this pdf in Module 2.
Consider all your behaviors, from eating, smoking, and exercise habits, to how well you manage your emotional health, protect yourself from disease, injury, and abuse, to stress and sleep management.
Create Your Specific Behavior Change Goal
Create your specific behavior change goal. (5 points)

For example, I will reduce the amount of soda I drink to 3 cans per week.
Is your goal measurable? How will you measure your progress? Describe your measurement tool and what you will be tracking each week. (10 points)
For example, I will keep a count of how many cans of soda I drink a day and reduce by one can a week until I reach my goal. I will track my behavior by writing down how many cans I drink each day.
Is your goal relevant and why? Why is this goal important to you? (10 points)
For example, This is important because I want to lose weight and have fewer cavities. I want to reduce my sugar intake to improve my health and avoid Diabetes Type II.
Submit your work by typing into the text box or attaching in doc, docx, or pdf.

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Behavior Change Goal Assignment

Step 1: Complete the Necessary Pre-Work Before jumping into your assignment, make sure you’ve completed Discussion 2 as instructed. This will provide you with a foundation for your behavior change goal.

Additionally, make sure you’ve read the “Reaching Your Goals the SMART Way” PDF. You can access it via the provided link in the instructions. This will help you understand how to set goals effectively using the SMART method.

Step 2: Create Your Specific Behavior Change Goal

  • What to Do: Your first task is to come up with a specific behavior change goal that you want to achieve. This could be related to a variety of things, such as improving your diet, exercise routine, or managing stress.
  • Example: For instance, “I will reduce the amount of soda I drink to 3 cans per week” is a clear and specific goal.
  • Tip: Be as detailed as possible when stating your goal, and ensure that it is something achievable within the timeframe of the semester. If you’re unsure, think of an area in your life where you’d like to make improvements and make the goal as specific as possible.

Step 3: Make Sure Your Goal is Measurable

  • What to Do: Now, you’ll need to make sure that your goal is measurable. This means defining how you will track your progress.
  • Example: For the soda example, “I will keep a count of how many cans of soda I drink a day and reduce by one can each week until I reach my goal.”
  • Tip: Your measurement tool can be something simple, like a daily journal, a checklist, or an app that tracks your progress. Choose something that will help you stay on top of your goal.

Step 4: Make Sure Your Goal is Achievable and Relevant

  • What to Do: In this step, explain why the goal is relevant to you and why it’s something that you want to achieve. Discuss how it connects to your personal life and well-being.
  • Example: “This is important because I want to lose weight and have fewer cavities. I want to reduce my sugar intake to improve my health and avoid Diabetes Type II.”
  • Tip: Your goal should be something that holds personal value. When explaining why it’s important, think about how this change will improve your overall health, relationships, or daily life.

Step 5: Make Sure Your Goal is Time-bound

  • What to Do: Your final step is to make sure your goal has a clear timeframe. This helps ensure that you stay focused and work toward achieving your goal by the end of the semester.
  • Example: “I will reach my goal of drinking no more than 3 cans of soda per week by the end of this semester.”
  • Tip: Consider using a calendar or planner to track your goal and set milestones for progress.

Step 6: Review and Finalize

  • What to Do: Go over your work to ensure all parts of your assignment are complete. Double-check that your behavior change goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART).
  • Tip: It might be helpful to have a peer or tutor review your goal for clarity. They might catch things you missed or suggest improvements.

Step 7: Submit Your Assignment Once you’re happy with your behavior change goal and have reviewed your work, go ahead and submit your assignment.

Good luck, and remember to check in with your progress regularly to stay on track toward your goal!

Completing the Critically Assessed Study Article Form

For this assignment, you will be assigned an article from the peer-reviewed literature that describes an epidemiological study. You will use that article to complete a Critically Assessed Study Article FORM, in which you will provide a summary of the study by explaining the following: Study purpose (This should be a full sentence. Remember, anytime you use the authors’ words, you must use quotation marks.) Study design (What study design that is the focus of this exercise??) Describe the source of the data and the study sample Primary measure (Sometimes there will be more than 1 primary measure. However, for the purposes of this assignment, choose just the one that you believe is most important and explain why you made that choice. Remember that for our purposes, a measure is the construct (such as glycemic control, or depression, or tuberculosis) that we are measuring, NOT the instrument (such as a PDQ-9) or lab test (such as the HbA1C test) used to measure it.) Statistical Test used for the primary measure (It should be Odds Ratio). (If it is something else, then you need to contact your instructor.) Complete the 2×2 table using only the data from the study for the primary measure you were assigned. You will insert the appropriate numbers into the 2×2 table that was used in the study to arrive at the crude (unadjusted) OR reported. (The 2×2 table can be found in the 9th chapter of the textbook, page 254.) Calculation of the crude (unadjusted) OR. You will put the numbers from the 2×2 table you constructed into the OR formula to show how the resulting OR was derived. (This formula can be found in the 9th chapter of the textbook on page 253.) All of the articles that were chosen for this assignment were chosen because they do report the crude (unadjusted) OR for your assigned variables somewhere in the article so you are able to check your table and calculations to ensure that you have come up with the correct number. Interpretation of the measure of association for this study. You will explain how the above measure of association is interpreted for this study. The textbook helps you understand how to interpret the OR results. Discussion of the advantages of using case-control designs. (You can get this from your book.) Discussion of the limitations of using case-control designs. (You can get this from your book.) Discussion of bias (information and selection biases) and confounding for this particular study. (See example provided.) Description of any methods used in the study for minimizing bias and confounding, or methods that could have been used, but weren’t. (See example provided.) There is an example article and completed form available to you in the Case Study module. You must examine that as a model for the one you will complete for your assigned article. Using this model is the best way for you to understand what is expected of your for this assignment. IMPORTANT NOTE The DUE date for this assignment is Sunday, March 10th. However, if you want to spend your Spring Break working on it, I will allow you to submit it up to Sunday, March 17th, without penalty. After March 17th, it will NOT be accepted! Epidemiology Study Assessment Rubric Epidemiology Study Assessment Rubric CriteriaRatingsPts Followed Instructions (those given here, elsewhere in the course, and via Canvas announcements and emails), Used Correct Grammar and Terminologyview longer description / 15 pts Form Heading Correct view longer description / 5 pts Purpose of Study view longer description / 5 pts Study Design view longer description / 10 pts Study Sample view longer description / 10 pts Primary Measures view longer description / 10 pts Statistical Test(s) Used view longer description / 10 pts 2×2 Table view longer description / 5 pts Calculation view longer description / 5 pts Interpretation view longer description / 5 pts Bias view longer description / 10 pts Strengths & Limitations of Design view longer description / 10 pts Total Points: 0

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step-by-Step Guide to Completing the Critically Assessed Study Article Form

Step 1: Read and Understand the Assigned Article

  • Carefully read the article provided to you.
  • Highlight key details, especially about the purpose, design, sample, and measures used in the study.

Step 2: Complete Each Section of the Form

  1. Form Heading:
    • Ensure the heading is completed with the required details (e.g., your name, date, course, and article title).
  2. Purpose of the Study:
    • Write the study’s purpose in a full sentence. Use the authors’ exact words if needed but include quotation marks and citations to avoid plagiarism.
    • Example: “The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between X and Y in Z population.”
  3. Study Design:
    • Identify the type of study conducted (e.g., case-control, cohort, cross-sectional).
    • Briefly explain why this design is relevant to the research question.
  4. Study Sample and Data Source:
    • Describe the population studied, including sample size, demographics, and how the data was collected.
  5. Primary Measure:
    • Identify the primary measure (e.g., depression, tuberculosis).
    • Explain why you chose this measure if multiple are mentioned. Avoid focusing on the instrument used for measurement.
  6. Statistical Test for the Primary Measure:
    • Confirm the statistical test used is Odds Ratio (OR). If not, contact your instructor immediately.

Step 3: Construct the 2×2 Table

  1. Locate the necessary data in the article to construct a 2×2 table.
    • Label the table as follows:
    Outcome Present (Cases) Outcome Absent (Controls)
    Exposure Present
    Exposure Absent
  2. Fill in the numbers from the study for each category.

Step 4: Calculate the Crude Odds Ratio (OR)

  1. Use the formula provided on page 253 of the textbook:
    • OR = (A x D) / (B x C), where:
      • A = Cases with exposure.
      • B = Controls with exposure.
      • C = Cases without exposure.
      • D = Controls without exposure.
  2. Perform the calculation and verify it matches the crude OR reported in the article.

Step 5: Interpretation of the Odds Ratio

  • Explain what the OR means in the context of the study.
  • Example: “An OR of 3.5 indicates that individuals exposed to X are 3.5 times more likely to develop Y compared to those not exposed.”

Step 6: Discuss Study Design Strengths and Limitations

  1. Advantages:
    • Reference textbook examples, such as efficiency for rare diseases or quicker data collection.
  2. Limitations:
    • Include issues like recall bias, selection bias, and inability to establish causation.

Step 7: Discuss Bias and Confounding

  • Identify potential biases (e.g., selection or information bias) and confounding factors in the study.
  • Discuss methods used to minimize bias, such as matching or statistical adjustments. If no methods were used, propose possible solutions.

Step 8: Proofread and Format in APA Style

  • Ensure proper grammar and terminology.
  • Use APA format for in-text citations and references.

Final Tips

  • Review the example form and rubric provided in the course.
  • Double-check your calculations and interpretations against the article.
  • Submit before the March 10th deadline, or use the extended time until March 17th if needed.

By following this guide, you’ll have a well-structured and complete form ready for submission. Let me know if you need help with specific sections!


Critically Assessed Study Article FORM

For this assignment, you will be assigned an article from the peer-reviewed literature that describes an epidemiological study. You will use that article to complete a Critically Assessed Study Article FORM, in which you will provide a summary of the study by explaining the following:
Study purpose (This should be a full sentence. Remember, anytime you use the authors’ words, you must use quotation marks.)
Study design (What study design that is the focus of this exercise??)
Describe the source of the data and the study sample
Primary measure (Sometimes there will be more than 1 primary measure. However, for the purposes of this assignment, choose just the one that you believe is most important and explain why you made that choice. Remember that for our purposes, a measure is the construct (such as glycemic control, or depression, or tuberculosis) that we are measuring, NOT the instrument (such as a PDQ-9) or lab test (such as the HbA1C test) used to measure it.)
Statistical Test used for the primary measure (It should be Odds Ratio). (If it is something else, then you need to contact your instructor.)
Complete the 2×2 table using only the data from the study for the primary measure you were assigned. You will insert the appropriate numbers into the 2×2 table that was used in the study to arrive at the crude (unadjusted) OR reported. (The 2×2 table can be found in the 9th chapter of the textbook, page 254.)
Calculation of the crude (unadjusted) OR. You will put the numbers from the 2×2 table you constructed into the OR formula to show how the resulting OR was derived. (This formula can be found in the 9th chapter of the textbook on page 253.) All of the articles that were chosen for this assignment were chosen because they do report the crude (unadjusted) OR for your assigned variables somewhere in the article so you are able to check your table and calculations to ensure that you have come up with the correct number.
Interpretation of the measure of association for this study. You will explain how the above measure of association is interpreted for this study. The textbook helps you understand how to interpret the OR results.
Discussion of the advantages of using case-control designs. (You can get this from your book.)
Discussion of the limitations of using case-control designs. (You can get this from your book.)
Discussion of bias (information and selection biases) and confounding for this particular study. (See example provided.)
Description of any methods used in the study for minimizing bias and confounding, or methods that could have been used, but weren’t. (See example provided.)
There is an example article and completed form available to you in the Case Study module. You must examine that as a model for the one you will complete for your assigned article. Using this model is the best way for you to understand what is expected of your for this assignment.
The DUE date for this assignment is Sunday, March 10th. However, if you want to spend your Spring Break working on it, I will allow you to submit it up to Sunday, March 17th, without penalty. After March 17th, it will NOT be accepted!
Epidemiology Study Assessment Rubric
Epidemiology Study Assessment Rubric
Followed Instructions (those given here, elsewhere in the course, and via Canvas announcements and emails), Used Correct Grammar and Terminologyview longer description
/ 15 pts
Form Heading Correct
view longer description
/ 5 pts
Purpose of Study
view longer description
/ 5 pts
Study Design
view longer description
/ 10 pts
Study Sample
view longer description
/ 10 pts
Primary Measures
view longer description
/ 10 pts
Statistical Test(s) Used
view longer description
/ 10 pts
2×2 Table
view longer description
/ 5 pts
view longer description
/ 5 pts
view longer description
/ 5 pts
view longer description
/ 10 pts
Strengths & Limitations of Design
view longer description
/ 10 pts
Total Points: 0

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step-by-Step Guide to Completing the Critically Assessed Study Article Form

Step 1: Read and Understand the Assigned Article

  • Carefully read the article provided to you.
  • Highlight key details, especially about the purpose, design, sample, and measures used in the study.

Step 2: Complete Each Section of the Form

  1. Form Heading:
    • Ensure the heading is completed with the required details (e.g., your name, date, course, and article title).
  2. Purpose of the Study:
    • Write the study’s purpose in a full sentence. Use the authors’ exact words if needed but include quotation marks and citations to avoid plagiarism.
    • Example: “The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between X and Y in Z population.”
  3. Study Design:
    • Identify the type of study conducted (e.g., case-control, cohort, cross-sectional).
    • Briefly explain why this design is relevant to the research question.
  4. Study Sample and Data Source:
    • Describe the population studied, including sample size, demographics, and how the data was collected.
  5. Primary Measure:
    • Identify the primary measure (e.g., depression, tuberculosis).
    • Explain why you chose this measure if multiple are mentioned. Avoid focusing on the instrument used for measurement.
  6. Statistical Test for the Primary Measure:
    • Confirm the statistical test used is Odds Ratio (OR). If not, contact your instructor immediately.

Step 3: Construct the 2×2 Table

  1. Locate the necessary data in the article to construct a 2×2 table.
    • Label the table as follows:
    Outcome Present (Cases) Outcome Absent (Controls)
    Exposure Present
    Exposure Absent
  2. Fill in the numbers from the study for each category.

Step 4: Calculate the Crude Odds Ratio (OR)

  1. Use the formula provided on page 253 of the textbook:
    • OR = (A x D) / (B x C), where:
      • A = Cases with exposure.
      • B = Controls with exposure.
      • C = Cases without exposure.
      • D = Controls without exposure.
  2. Perform the calculation and verify it matches the crude OR reported in the article.

Step 5: Interpretation of the Odds Ratio

  • Explain what the OR means in the context of the study.
  • Example: “An OR of 3.5 indicates that individuals exposed to X are 3.5 times more likely to develop Y compared to those not exposed.”

Step 6: Discuss Study Design Strengths and Limitations

  1. Advantages:
    • Reference textbook examples, such as efficiency for rare diseases or quicker data collection.
  2. Limitations:
    • Include issues like recall bias, selection bias, and inability to establish causation.

Step 7: Discuss Bias and Confounding

  • Identify potential biases (e.g., selection or information bias) and confounding factors in the study.
  • Discuss methods used to minimize bias, such as matching or statistical adjustments. If no methods were used, propose possible solutions.

Step 8: Proofread and Format in APA Style

  • Ensure proper grammar and terminology.
  • Use APA format for in-text citations and references.

Final Tips

  • Review the example form and rubric provided in the course.
  • Double-check your calculations and interpretations against the article.
  • Submit before the March 10th deadline, or use the extended time until March 17th if needed.


Submit your final project rough draft for review here! This exercise is meant to

Submit your final project rough draft for review here!
This exercise is meant to give you feedback on your final project.
In order to receive credit, you must submit this by the submission date
What is the purpose of a rough draft?
A rough draft is created with the understanding that it will undergo further revision and refinement. It serves as an initial attempt to express ideas, organize thoughts, and establish a basic structure for the final version of the work.
Here are key characteristics and considerations related to rough drafts:
Incomplete and Imperfect: Rough drafts are expected to be incomplete and imperfect. The emphasis is on capturing thoughts and building a foundation for future revisions.
Revision Process: After completing the initial draft, writers typically review and revise their work multiple times. This may involve refining ideas, improving the organization, strengthening arguments, and addressing any other issues identified during the revision process.
Feedback and Collaboration: Writers may share rough drafts with peers, mentors, or collaborators to receive feedback and suggestions. This external input can be valuable in identifying areas for improvement and offering different perspectives on the content.
Flexibility: Approach the rough draft with a degree of flexibility. It’s common for ideas to evolve and for the overall directio
If you are submitting an instagram page, podcast, YouTube video, or tiktok, please include the direct link. Please include your 5 references in the provided text box OR directly on your project.
Remember, you cannot submit a PowerPoint or write a paper. You will not receive credit if you do this.
Peer review instructions (you must do this to get credit for the assignment):
You will not be able to complete this extra assignment until October 7th (after the draft due date).
How to find your assigned peer reviews (Links to an external site.)
How to review feedback (Links to an external site.) from your peers
Peer reviews are a good way to receive feedback from your fellow classmates instead of your instructor.
Please review the assigned peer project and use the rubric to provide feedback.
After you have used the rubric, provide feedback in the form of a comment as well. Discuss what you liked about the project and any feedback to improve. Submit your final project here!
Please see rubric below for specifics on grading. Please review your final project rough draft first for any changes that need to be made before submitting this. If you are submitting an instagram page, podcast, YouTube video, or tiktok, please include the direct link. Please include your 5 references in the provided text box OR directly on your project. Remember, you cannot submit a PowerPoint (or anything that looks like a PowerPoint) or write a paper. You will not receive credit if you do this.

A) Explain your current level of understanding of the normal anatomy and physiol

A) Explain your current level of understanding of the normal anatomy and physiology of oneof the following organs: Stomach, or Pancreas, or Liver. How can excessive alcohol consumption or alcohol abuse affect the anatomy and the functions of the organ you chose?

This is an interesting talk about how uncomfortable we are as a society talking

This is an interesting talk about how uncomfortable we are as a society talking about this topic.
Ted Talk Transgender
Based upon your knowledge after reading the chapter and watching this video, share your thoughts and views on the topic in a paragraph. Mention specific points from the Ted Talk.
Your post ( 6 pts.)
Reply to two other students. ( 2 pts. each)

Watch this TedTalk by Kelly McGonigal on how to make stress your friend. Link Wh

Watch this TedTalk by Kelly McGonigal on how to make stress your friend.
What are your thoughts about this video?
Does it change the way you view stress now?
Will it help you the next time you are in a stressful situation? Why or Why not
Your post 6pts, your two replies 2 points each
Remember to reply to two other students.

Overview The Black Lives Matter movement has brought attention to various forms

The Black Lives Matter movement has brought attention to various forms of racial discrimination and injustice. At the heart of the movement is a critique of our criminal justice system or more specifically, policing in America and mass-incarceration. Take some time and look through the BLM website and the resources below to develop your awareness of the issues at the core of BLM movement.
For this assignment think about how the textbook explains the process of constructing social problems, or more specifically, claimsmaking (drawing attention to a troubling condition) Activists can beclaimsmakers as explained in the textbook. Activists draw our attention to conditions and establish social movements to challenge the status quo.
Activists frame social problems in 3 ways by asking 3 basic questions:
What is the nature of the problem? Diagnostic Frame
Why should something be done to address the problem? Motivational Frame
How do we address the problem or what should we do to address the problem? Prognostic Frame
1. Pick one of the topics (consider exploring the ‘vision for black lives’) listed on the BLM website and answer the above framingquestions: What is the problem? Why should we do something? What should we do?
Support your response with some data, research, graphs, images or other information mentioned in the articles and/or video clips.

Instructions: Length of the write-up should be at least 500 words or two pages

Length of the write-up should be at least 500 words or two pages.
The font should be Times New Roman, and the size should be 12.
Heading should be Bold.
The text color should be Black.
Line spacing should be 1.5.
Proper headings with numbers should be given for each segment
Avoid Plagiarism
Assignments must be submitted with the filled cover page (NO image format)
All assignments must carry the references using APA style using at least three references.