Watch the film (link below) to write a maximum two page paper about it, based on the prompt. Use the attached information to properly cite.
It must be 2 pages MAXIMUM, not including References or cover page.
Please include a plagiarism report.
According to scholar Susan Napier, Nausicaa is an empowered young girl hero: she combines traits traditionally associated with masculinity, such as physical power and scientific and mechanical abilities, with traits traditionally associated with femininity, such as aesthetic appreciation, compassion and motherliness. Thus, one view would be that Nausicaa is a character who breaks traditional gender boundaries and expectations. But another view might be that she does not actually break gender boundaries and expectations but rather, reinforces them. Which do you agree with? Explain with examples from the film, such as Nausicaa’s representation, actions, scenes, plot points, etc.
Category: Film
Please answer ONE of the following questions in a 750-1000 word MLA format essay
Please answer ONE of the following questions in a 750-1000 word MLA format essay, double spaced. Please cite any resources you use, if there are any.
1) Discuss some of the differences between the animation styles of Walt Disney and Warner Bros., and how those cartoons play to you today.
2) Pick a movie or TV series and do a visual analysis on the way cinematography was used to create the mood, dramatic context, and overall style of the piece.
Choose one answer from the four questions below. Post one thoughtful, substanti
Choose one answer from the four questions below.
Post one thoughtful, substantial 250-300 word reflection on the discussion board. You may wish to write about one or more primary sources (literary texts and films) assigned for that week, one or more secondary sources (scholarship and theory), or both. The challenge here is to present your own thoughts, ideas, and reflections on the assigned material in a well-organized, concise, and clear way.
View these Films on Course Reserves:
A Better Tomorrow 英雄本色 (1986) and The Killer 喋血雙雄 (1989) directed by John Woo
you need to make a story about 5 pictures 1page make the story about cast and cr
you need to make a story about 5 pictures 1page make the story about cast and crew of short move (director jay Asom/ sound Kenneth Cain/ editing Noah Schoeller) just focus on how the crew trying to make the sound effect for the movie
QUESTION: the following is a list of all of the films streamed this term. Pick
the following is a list of all of the films streamed this term. Pick ONE film you would DROP from the list and ONE film you think should definitely STAY on the list for next year. You may briefly write why you think so, but this is not required.
Note: try to be objective and do not simply say “I think you should drop BLADE RUNNER because I don’t like science fiction movies.” It’s too late for you, think about students taking this class next year!
Possible reasons: not important enough in film history, not interesting, there are better films (of same genre, date range, country of origin, etc.), etc.
a. You should KEEP this film ______________________________ because:
b. You should DROP this film _______________________________ because:
My play “1733” requires significant work. I’m aiming for an adaptation that dram
My play “1733” requires significant work. I’m aiming for an adaptation that dramatizes the events of the 1733 rebellion of St. John, similar to what is being done with the new series “SHOGUN”.
I possess a significant play that needs refinement. It is crucial to ensure the play somewhat reflects real events, but I also want to present it dramatically. I plan to use proper English mixed with Crucian dialect and slang, so the draft requires reworking to enhance the narrative flow from start to finish. The aim is to improve the storyline, storytelling, dialogue, grammar, phrases, words, events, scenes, and characters. I want the story to progress from the middle to the end in a capable manner that weaves a beautiful, heart-wrenching tale where each character’s background is utilized, and their conclusion brings a distinct payoff. The file is attached.
PT 2
My play, currently untitled, is a romantic comedy set in the USVI, focusing on Transfer Day between a Danish native and an American soldier. I’m still deciding on the timeline—whether it will start before, during, or in the days leading up to Transfer Day. It’s a blend of romance and comedy, and I want to highlight our cultural traditions—how we marry, sing, and dance to Quelbe music, our calypso, our culture wears of madras really it just an amazing piece. It’s a moving piece, inspired by Broadway romantic comedies. Essentially, it’s about two contrasting cultures coming together, incorporating elements of Bridgerton—representing American culture—clashing with Caribbean norms, culminating in the union of two souls. i have a draft but it in need of tlc its needs have lots of acts so it needs a ton ofc draft work
also when it comes to Private James please take out the stupid Shakespeare idea not good or the Boardway thing hate it need real work done on them more charcyers there bios and there contnent needed
VATAR THE WAY OF WATER movie summary Narrative Structure in Movies Reflect on a
VATAR THE WAY OF WATER movie summary
Narrative Structure in Movies
Reflect on a movie you recently watched and analyze its narrative structure. Consider the following aspects and provide insights into how they contribute to the overall storytelling experience:
1. Identify key narrative elements, such as plot, characters, setting, and theme, in the movie. How did these elements work together to create an engaging narrative?
2. Identify the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
3. Reflect on the development of central characters. How did the characters evolve throughout the narrative?
4. Reflect on the emotional impact of the narrative. Were there particular moments that resonated with you emotionally, and how did the narrative structure contribute to those moments?
5. Analyze how the narrative structure influenced your engagement as an audience member. Were you consistently intrigued, or did certain elements lose your interest? How did the narrative structure contribute to the overall viewing experience?
For presentation explain the main concepts with short video sequences from the movie.
With attached pictures from the film
Submit a reflective essay, adhering to a word limit of 800-1000 words.
INDIAN MOVIE SUMMARY Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway 2023 movie summary Narrative Stru
Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway 2023 movie summary
Narrative Structure in Movies
Reflect on a movie you recently watched and analyze its narrative structure. Consider the following aspects and provide insights into how they contribute to the overall storytelling experience:
1. Identify key narrative elements, such as plot, characters, setting, and theme, in the movie. How did these elements work together to create an engaging narrative?
2. Identify the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
3. Reflect on the development of central characters. How did the characters evolve throughout the narrative?
4. Reflect on the emotional impact of the narrative. Were there particular moments that resonated with you emotionally, and how did the narrative structure contribute to those moments?
5. Analyze how the narrative structure influenced your engagement as an audience member. Were you consistently intrigued, or did certain elements lose your interest? How did the narrative structure contribute to the overall viewing experience?
For presentation explain the main concepts with short video sequences from the movie.
With attached pictures from the film
Submit a reflective essay, adhering to a word limit of 800-1000 words.
TEACH-BACK PRESENTATION 3 Create a 15-20 slide Powerpoint presentation that expl
Create a 15-20 slide Powerpoint presentation that explains, in-depth, with examples, what the four traditional approaches to film history are that the authors describe: aesthetic, technological, economic and social-historical.
Tips for a good power point presentation are here
Keep in mind you are breaking down the concepts as if you had to teach them to a group. Use a lot of visuals and short sentences rather than a lot of text on the slide. Analyze and then simplify the concepts.
If you have more to say about a slide and do not want to cram in too much text, that’s what the “notes” section is for at the bottom of the slide. It’s for your reference, so it won’t be seen by the audience. In this case, since you will only be posting it, not presenting it, feel free to add additional information for your audience in the “notes section” as needed. It keeps your presentation clean, but shows that you have additional information to give you your audience.
Using the section from Chapter 9 entitled “Guide to writing an argument of defin
Using the section from Chapter 9 entitled “Guide to writing an argument of definition,” plan, research, and write a paper that argues for a particular definition of a term or phrase that is relevant and significant in modern society. See the “Examples of Definitional Claims” on the top of page 213 to get a sense of the types of claims an evaluation paper might center around. Feel free to use one of the “Projects” prompts from the end of the chapter (page 217) as the inspiration for your paper.
In basic terms, your paper should identify a term or phrase that is of current significance in society and then present an argument for a particular way in which that term or phrase should be understood or used. Be sure to discuss existing formal and operational definitions as part of your argument. Again, use the section from Chapter 9 to guide your writing; if you follow the steps outlined there, your paper will be off to an excellent start.
Your paper should be at least 1000 words (but no more than 1500 words) in length, formatted properly in MLA style, properly cite at least 3 sources to help contextualize and support your claims, and include a properly formatted MLA Works Cited page.