Understanding Oppression and Empowerment

Student should discuss actual issues of oppression and the impact of oppression on social functioning, and strengths of your peer and ways of empowerment. (2.1, 2.2, 6.2) (1 paragraph on issues of oppression up to 2 points) and (1 paragraph on the impact of oppression on social functioning up to 2 points), and (1 paragraph on the strengths of your peer up to 2 points) and (1 paragraph on the ways of empowerment for your peer up to 2 points). 6. The student’s interview should highlight, as appropriate, the impact of at least 2 of the following: 1. racism, 2. ethnocentrism, 3. classism, 4. sexism, 5. hetero-sexism/ 6. homophobias, 7. religious intolerance, 8. able-ism, 9. ageism, and/or 10. xenophobia/ 11. provincialism on the peer’s well-being and functioning. (2.1, 2.2, 6.2) (1 paragraph for each of the 2 issues chosen up to 2 points
student will write a 3-page critical reflective paper not including the title page and reference page describing your experience. (1.2, 1.3) (up to 3 points) 10. Student must have: a. Title page b. Reference page using the textbook as your reference and one additional scholarly journal from the Montgomery Library. (1.3) 2 points 11. Student’s paper shall describe what you were taught about your peer (2 paragraphs up to 2 points) and their group community/group. (1.3) (2 paragraphs up to 2 points) 12. Student should describe how your experience negates or confirms what you were taught. (1.2, 2.3) (1 paragraph up to 1 point) 13. Student should describe how different yet alike you and you peer maybe. (2.3) (1 paragraph up to 1.00 point). 14. This assignment is to be completed using APA formatting, headings, references, and citations. Additionally, grammar, spelling, and limited use of pronouns affect (up to 2 points) of this assignment. (1.3

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step 1: Title Page and Formatting

  • Use APA formatting throughout the paper.
  • Include a title page with your name, course, instructor’s name, and date.
  • Format the document with 1-inch margins, double spacing, and a 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • Include headings for each section to maintain clarity.

Step 2: Introduction (½ -1 page)

  • Briefly introduce the purpose of your paper.
  • Mention that you conducted an interview to explore the impact of oppression on an individual.
  • State the key themes of the paper: issues of oppression, impact on social functioning, strengths of the peer, and ways of empowerment.
  • Provide a thesis statement outlining the main focus of the reflection.

Step 3: Issues of Oppression (1 paragraph)

  • Identify two specific types of oppression faced by your peer from the provided list (e.g., racism, classism, ableism, etc.).
  • Describe real-life examples from the interview where your peer experienced oppression.
  • Explain how these issues have influenced their daily life and opportunities.

Step 4: Impact of Oppression on Social Functioning (1 paragraph)

  • Discuss how oppression affects your peer’s ability to function in society, workplace, or relationships.
  • Provide examples of social, emotional, or economic consequences related to their experiences.
  • Link these impacts to broader social theories or studies on oppression.

Step 5: Strengths of Your Peer (1 paragraph)

  • Highlight the resilience, skills, and personal strengths that help your peer cope with oppression.
  • Discuss how they have navigated adversity and maintained their well-being.
  • Provide specific examples from the interview.

Step 6: Ways of Empowerment (1 paragraph)

  • Suggest strategies or support systems that could empower your peer.
  • Discuss community resources, policies, or social movements that address oppression.
  • Provide ideas for personal and systemic change that could improve their well-being.

Step 7: Reflection on the Experience (2-3 pages)

  1. What You Were Taught About Your Peer (2 paragraphs)
    • Explain what you initially knew or assumed about your peer and their background.
    • Describe how your understanding evolved through the interview.
  2. What You Were Taught About Their Community (2 paragraphs)
    • Provide insights into the social, economic, and cultural aspects of their group.
    • Discuss how their lived experiences reflect broader issues within their community.
  3. Confirmation or Challenge of Prior Knowledge (1 paragraph)
    • Reflect on whether your experience with your peer confirmed or challenged your previous beliefs.
    • Discuss how this interaction changed your perspective on oppression and resilience.
  4. Similarities and Differences Between You and Your Peer (1 paragraph)
    • Identify commonalities and differences in background, experiences, and perspectives.
    • Discuss how these similarities and differences shape your views on oppression and empowerment.

Step 8: Conclusion (½ -1 page)

  • Summarize your main points.
  • Reflect on how this experience impacted your understanding of oppression.
  • Discuss the importance of advocating for social justice and empowerment.

Step 9: References and Citations

  • Include a reference page in APA format.
  • Use at least two scholarly sources, including your textbook and one additional journal from the Montgomery Library.
  • Properly cite all information using in-text citations (Author, Year).

Final Tips:

Proofread your paper for grammar and clarity. ✔ Avoid excessive use of pronouns to maintain a formal tone. ✔ Use APA headings to structure your sections clearly. ✔ Ensure logical flow from one section to the next.

Following this guide will help you structure your paper effectively while meeting all the assignment requirements.


Using the Correlational Method to Study Cannabis Use in the Adolescent Brain

The goal of Fun Paper #1 is to use the correlational method to think more deeply about the substance use in the developing brain. In particular, we want you to use correlations to study the psychological experience of teenagers who smoke cannabis. A recent article in the New York Times (June 23, 2022; Psychosis, Addiction, Chronic Vomiting: As Weed Becomes More Potent, Teens Are Getting Sick; https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/23/well/mind/teens-thc-cannabis.html) suggests that many teenagers are smoking high-potency cannabis – with THC levels over 90% – which may have long-term effects on brain and psychological functioning. We learned in class that these teenagers have not completed brain development. Myelination of the cortex, for example, may not be complete until years later. The New York Times article suggests that many teenagers are getting sick from weed, including chronic vomiting and perhaps permanent symptoms of psychosis. A recent report from the U.S. Surgeon General claims that cannabis can be detrimental to cognitive functions, such as short-term memory, and heighten anxiety and symptoms of psychosis, including paranoia:
U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory: Marijuana Use and the Developing Brain
From this evidence, we might hypothesize that there would be a strong relationship between levels of THC that teenagers are smoking and their performance on memory tests, symptoms of paranoia, and symptoms of anxiety. In particular, high-potency cannabis might be associated with poorer memory, more paranoia, and greater anxiety. The correlational method might be an appropriate technique for testing this hypothesis.
For Fun Paper #1, we want you to write a paper that evaluates the adequacy of the correlational method to study the effects of cannabis on teenagers. First, title your paper “Using the Correlational Method to Study Cannabis Use in the Adolescent Brain”. Next: FOLLOW EACH OF THE FOLLOWING FIVE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY (The following is a detailed outline on how you should write this paper):
Your paper should consist of five paragraphs corresponding to the 5 questions below. DO NOT write an outlined paper: it needs to be in essay format. Within each paragraph, please be clear on which letter you are answering by placing a bold letter in front of the sentences. If you are answering “1a” place a letter “a” before the sentence/s. (Here’s an example: The purpose of this paper is to use the correlational method to examine the relationship between functions of the left and right hemispheres. I will compare the performance of people with intact brains with the performance of so-called split-brain patients. In many ways, the brains of these two groups are very similar. 1 a. The location of the brainstem in the normal brain is…)
1. Begin the first paragraph of the paper with these sentences: “The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the correlational method as a means for examining the relationship between levels of THC in cannabis and various psychological functions in teenagers. I will compare the functioning of 20 students at a local high school who smoke cannabis daily. In many ways, the brains of adolescents are the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of smoking cannabis.”
a. Describe the trends in smoking cannabis among teenagers during the last few years, as reported in the New York Times article (4 pts).
b. What are some of the effects of cannabis use on the developing brain (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/2781289)? (4 pts).
c. What is cannabis hyperemesis? Why is this syndrome associated with compulsive bathing (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1054139X20305772)? (4 pts)
d. End the paragraph by completing this sentence: “In summary, recent scientific evidence suggests that adolescents are the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of smoking cannabis because ___” (4 pts).
2. Begin the next paragraph with this sentence: “Teenage use of high-potency cannabis may even lead to permanent psychiatric symptoms, including the development of psychotic symptoms.”
a. What is psychosis? What are some of the symptoms of psychosis? (4 pts)
b. Is there any evidence that high-potency cannabis is associated with psychotic symptoms (https://www.thelancet.com/article/S2215-0366(19)30048-3/fulltext)? Explain. (5 pts)
c. Is there any evidence that those who started using high-potency cannabis by age 15 years have a higher risk of a psychotic disorder? Explain. (3 pts)
3. Begin the next paragraph with these sentences: “Evidence also suggests that cannabis use can have effects on everyday cognitive functioning, such as short-term memory, and on symptoms of anxiety.” 3. Begin the next paragraph with these sentences: “Evidence also suggests that cannabis use can have effects on everyday cognitive functioning, such as short-term memory, and on symptoms of anxiety.”
a. What is the effect of cannabis on people’s short-term memory? What is the effect of cannabis on people’s symptoms of anxiety? In your view, is cannabis good or bad for treating anxiety? (6 pts)
b. State the hypothesis to be evaluated in your paper. (4 pts)
c. Describe how you will use the correlational method to evaluate the hypothesis. (5 pts)
4. At the bottom of this assignment are data from a group of 20 adolescents (ages 14-18) who use cannabis daily in various forms, including dabs and oils. For each participant, the THC levels in their cannabis was measured in a laboratory. They were then tested on three standardized psychological measures: (1) a test of short-term memory performance, (2) a survey measuring their state of anxiety, and (3) a measure of their paranoia symptoms. The table contains the participants’ scores on these measures, higher scores indicating better memory performance, greater state anxiety, and greater paranoia. In Lab #1 we used the following formula to calculate the correlation coefficient ;
The Formula: r = III/ (radical) I(II)
We broke this formula into three terms:
I= N (Sum X2) – (Sum X)2
II= N (Sum Y2) – (Sum Y)2
III= N (Sum of XY) – Sum X (Sum Y)
Begin the fourth paragraph with these sentences: “Data were collected from a group of 20 adolescents (ages 14-18) who use cannabis daily to test the hypothesis using the correlational method. Each group completed three standardized psychological measures: (1) a short-term memory performance test, (2) a survey measuring their state of anxiety, and (3) a measure of their paranoia symptoms.”
a. State your predictions about the pattern of correlations among THC potency and the three measures if the hypothesis under investigation is correct. (7 pts)
b. Figure 1 below presents a scatterplot of the variables THC and anxiety. What is a scatterplot? What does Figure 1 depict as the relationship between THC and anxiety in this study? (4 pts)
c. Use the formula to compute the correlation coefficient between THC and each of the three psychological measures. Also, compute the correlation coefficient between memory and anxiety (N.B. That’s 4 correlation coefficients in total). For each coefficient, state the computed value of each of the four terms of the formula (i.e., r, I, II, and III). (6 pts)
5. Begin the final paragraph with these sentences: “The results of the correlational method were valuable in addressing the hypothesis under study. However, several of the findings require future consideration.”
a. Restate the hypothesis under study. Are the results of the correlational analysis consistent with the hypothesis? Why or why not? (4 pts)
b. Give an explanation for the relationship found in Figure 1. Give an explanation for the relationship found between memory and anxiety. (6 pts)
c. Describe a feature of the study that could be improved if you were to repeat it. (3 pts)
d. Can correlational studies be used to evaluate hypotheses or should we only use experiments instead? Defend your answer. (4 pts)
e. Make a general conclusion from the results about the effects of substance use on the developing brain. (3 pts)
A fifth of your grade will be based on the following:
a. Clarity of thesis development (4 pts)
b. Clarity of paper’s structure and organization (4 pts)
c. Thoroughness in development of evidence (4 pts)
d. Good mechanics (grammar, punctuation, usage) and style of writing (4 pts)
e. Competence in quantitative reasoning and analysis of research findings (4 pts)
****Quoted, paraphrased, or borrowed sentences or phrases are not allowed. These will be regarded as plagiarism, which will be penalized by a zero on the assignment and a report filed with the Office of the Academic Integrity Official. The paper should not exceed 4 pages. ***

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step-by-Step Guide to Structuring Your Paper

  1. Introduction (First Paragraph)
    • Start with the required opening sentence.
    • Introduce the topic of adolescent cannabis use.
    • Define key terms (e.g., correlational method, THC potency).
    • Provide a thesis statement outlining the purpose of the paper.
  2. Effects of Cannabis on Adolescents (Second Paragraph)
    • Discuss trends in teenage cannabis use.
    • Explain the impact of cannabis on brain development.
    • Define and describe cannabis hyperemesis syndrome.
    • Summarize the scientific evidence.
  3. Psychosis and Cannabis Use (Third Paragraph)
    • Define psychosis and its symptoms.
    • Present research linking high-potency cannabis to psychotic symptoms.
    • Explain how early cannabis use increases psychosis risk.
  4. Cognitive Function and Anxiety (Fourth Paragraph)
    • Explain the effects of cannabis on short-term memory and anxiety.
    • Clearly state the hypothesis of the study.
    • Describe how the correlational method will be used.
  5. Data Analysis and Results (Fifth Paragraph)
    • Describe the study participants and measures used.
    • State expected correlations if the hypothesis is correct.
    • Explain scatterplots and describe key findings.
    • Calculate and interpret the correlation coefficients.
  6. Conclusion (Final Paragraph)
    • Restate the hypothesis and discuss results.
    • Explain key relationships observed in the data.
    • Suggest improvements for future research.
    • Discuss whether correlation is sufficient or if experimental methods are needed.
    • Summarize the broader implications of the study.
  7. Formatting and Citation Tips
    • Follow APA format for in-text citations and references.
    • Use clear headings and bold letters for clarity.
    • Avoid plagiarism by paraphrasing and properly citing sources.
    • Keep the paper within the required page limit.

By following this structured approach, you can effectively develop a well-organized, research-supported paper on the correlational study of cannabis use in adolescents.

Major Theological Controversies in Early Christianity (1st–5th Century) and the Church Councils That Resolved Them

What were some of the basic controversies in Christian theology from the first century to the fifth century? Be sure to mention some of the church councils which settled major doctrines during this time period.

Post Content:

From the 1st to the 5th century, early Christianity faced numerous theological controversies that shaped its doctrines and beliefs. These debates often revolved around the nature of Christ, the Trinity, and salvation. To address these disputes, church councils were convened to define orthodox Christian doctrine and condemn heresies.

🚨 Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily! 🚨

Step 1: Structure Your Essay (Well-Organized Historical Analysis)

Your essay should be divided into the following sections:

  1. Introduction (1 Paragraph)

    • Briefly introduce the importance of theological controversies in early Christianity.
    • Mention that church councils played a key role in resolving disputes.
    • Present your thesis: What were the major theological debates, and how were they settled?
  2. Theological Controversies and Church Councils (3-5 Paragraphs)

    1. The Arian Controversy (4th Century)

    • Issue: Was Christ divine or a created being? Arius taught that Christ was subordinate to God the Father.
    • Resolution: The Council of Nicaea (325 AD) declared Christ as “begotten, not made,” affirming His full divinity and co-equality with the Father.
    • Outcome: The Nicene Creed was established to solidify the doctrine of the Trinity.

    2. The Christological Controversies (4th-5th Century)

    • Nestorianism: Taught that Christ had two separate natures (divine and human) and that Mary was not the “Mother of God” (Theotokos).
    • Resolution: The Council of Ephesus (431 AD) condemned Nestorianism and affirmed Mary as Theotokos.
    • Monophysitism: Claimed that Christ had only one divine nature, denying His full humanity.
    • Resolution: The Council of Chalcedon (451 AD) declared that Christ is both fully divine and fully human (the Hypostatic Union).

    3. The Donatist Controversy (4th Century)

    • Issue: Were sacraments (like baptism) performed by sinful priests still valid?
    • Resolution: The Council of Arles (314 AD) ruled that the effectiveness of sacraments did not depend on the moral character of the clergy.

    4. The Pelagian Controversy (4th-5th Century)

    • Issue: Did humans need divine grace for salvation, or could they achieve salvation through free will alone?
    • Resolution: The Council of Carthage (418 AD) condemned Pelagianism, affirming that grace is necessary for salvation.
  3. Conclusion (1 Paragraph)

    • Summarize the significance of these controversies in shaping Christian doctrine.
    • Reflect on how church councils established key beliefs that are still upheld today.
    • Mention that debates in Christian theology continue, but these early councils provided a foundation for orthodoxy.

Step 2: Support Your Argument with Historical Evidence

  • Use primary sources like the Nicene Creed or writings from church fathers (e.g., Athanasius, Augustine).
  • Reference church history books and theological studies for accuracy.

Step 3: Final Review Checklist ✅

✔ Have you identified major theological controversies and their resolutions?
✔ Have you discussed key church councils and their impact?
✔ Is your writing structured, historically accurate, and well-cited?
✔ Have you followed the word count and formatting guidelines?

By following this structured approach, you’ll develop a well-researched and compelling essay on the theological debates that shaped early Christianity.


Recrystallization Process, Purity Testing, and TLC Analysis: Impact of Molecular Structure

Report on recrystalization process and follow on testing to measure impurities. Also TLC tesults and how they are determined. Must include discussion of how the molecular structure impacts the results of each process. Will provide results and lift of chemiclas utilized during the experiment.

Post Content:

This report requires a detailed analysis of the recrystallization process, methods for impurity testing, and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) results. You will also discuss how molecular structure influences the effectiveness of each process.

🚨 Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily! 🚨

Step 1: Structure Your Report (Detailed Scientific Analysis)

Your report should be divided into the following sections:

  1. Introduction (1 Paragraph)

    • Define recrystallization and its purpose in purifying compounds.
    • Explain why measuring impurities is crucial in chemical analysis.
    • Briefly introduce TLC as a method for assessing purity and molecular interactions.
  2. Recrystallization Process (1-2 Paragraphs)

    • Outline the steps involved in recrystallization.
    • Describe how solvent choice affects solubility and purification.
    • Explain how slow cooling allows for crystal formation while minimizing impurities.
  3. Impurity Testing Methods (1-2 Paragraphs)

    • Discuss common techniques for measuring purity, such as melting point analysis and spectroscopic methods.
    • Explain how impurities disrupt crystal lattices, leading to lower melting points or broader melting ranges.
    • If applicable, include experimental results showing purity before and after recrystallization.
  4. Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) Analysis (1-2 Paragraphs)

    • Describe the TLC process, including stationary and mobile phases.
    • Explain how retention factor (Rf values) are calculated and interpreted.
    • Discuss how molecular polarity, size, and interactions with the stationary phase impact TLC results.
  5. Molecular Structure and Its Impact on Each Process (1-2 Paragraphs)

    • Explain how functional groups and intermolecular forces influence solubility during recrystallization.
    • Discuss how molecular polarity affects impurity separation in TLC.
    • Relate molecular weight and hydrogen bonding to the efficiency of purification and testing methods.
  6. Conclusion (1 Paragraph)

    • Summarize key findings on recrystallization, purity testing, and TLC.
    • Reflect on how molecular structure plays a critical role in chemical purification and analysis.
    • Suggest improvements or additional tests for further accuracy in impurity detection.
  7. Experimental Data (Results & List of Chemicals Used)

    • Present TLC plate images, Rf values, and melting point data.
    • List all solvents, reagents, and chemicals utilized during the experiment.

Step 2: Ensure Scientific Accuracy

  • Use appropriate chemical terminology and formulas where necessary.
  • Reference scientific sources or lab manuals for standard purity testing methods.

Step 3: Final Review Checklist ✅

✔ Have you clearly explained the recrystallization process and impurity testing?
✔ Have you included TLC analysis with a discussion on Rf values?
✔ Have you connected molecular structure to purification efficiency?
✔ Is your writing clear, structured, and scientifically accurate?
✔ Have you formatted your results and chemical list properly?

By following this structured approach, you’ll develop a comprehensive and well-supported report on recrystallization, purity testing, and TLC analysis.


Personal Narrative Through Music: A Rhetorical Analysis of My Life Playlist

Required Length: 1,000 words minimum
For this assignment, you will compose a miniature playlist of 3-5 songs that serves to in some way tell the story of your life. A personal narrative asks you to reflect on your experiences using the kind of critical rhetorical distance we’ve encountered in some of our course readings. But how else might writing about your life and these songs demonstrate your understanding of rhetorical principles? After all, a song—like an essay, a video, a speech, or anything else that relies on verbal or nonverbal communication—is a rhetorical situation. Each song relies on elements of the rhetorical triangle (author, audience, message) and has a purpose, and the choices made within the song—not only the lyrics, but the sound of the music and its arrangement—likely reveal the use of other rhetorical concepts explained in our textbook. Remember those Greek terms logos, pathos, ethos, humos, and kairos (Links to an external site.)? Are those concepts relevant to the songs? Are they relevant to the moment(s) in your life that you have chosen to write about?

Post Content:

This assignment requires you to create a personal playlist of 3-5 songs that reflect key moments in your life. You will analyze these songs through a rhetorical lens, considering how their lyrics, sound, and structure connect with your experiences.

🚨 Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily! 🚨

Step 1: Select Your Songs and Moments

  • Choose 3-5 songs that represent significant moments or themes in your life.
  • Reflect on why each song is meaningful—does it remind you of an event, a person, or a personal transformation?
  • Consider how each song conveys emotion and meaning beyond just lyrics.

Step 2: Structure Your Essay (3-5 Paragraphs Minimum)

  1. Introduction (1 Paragraph)

    • Introduce your playlist and its purpose in telling your life story.
    • Briefly mention how music, like writing, is a rhetorical act that conveys messages through sound, lyrics, and emotion.
    • Present your thesis: How do these songs capture your personal journey?
  2. Body (3-5 Paragraphs – One for Each Song)

    For Each Song, Include:

    • Personal Connection: Explain why this song is significant in your life.
    • Rhetorical Analysis:
      • Author: Who created the song? What was their intent?
      • Audience: Who is the song meant for? How does it connect with listeners?
      • Message: What is the song communicating?
      • Appeals: How does the song use ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), logos (logic), kairos (timing), or humos (humor) to connect with listeners?
      • Musical Elements: How do the melody, tone, or rhythm contribute to its meaning?
  3. Conclusion (1 Paragraph)

    • Summarize how your playlist tells the story of your life.
    • Reflect on how music, like writing, uses rhetorical tools to create meaning.
    • End with a final thought: How does analyzing music help you better understand communication and storytelling?

Step 3: Final Review Checklist ✅

✔ Have you selected 3-5 songs and explained their significance in your life?
✔ Have you analyzed the rhetorical elements of each song?
✔ Is your writing structured, clear, and engaging?
✔ Have you followed the word count and formatting guidelines?

By following this structured approach, you’ll create a compelling personal narrative that demonstrates both self-reflection and rhetorical awareness.

Media Portrayal of Police: Accuracy and Fairness in Representation

In a 300 to 600 or more-word report, describe how the media portrays the police today. Is this portrayal a fair assessment of the work the police are performing? Why

Post Content:

This report requires an analysis of how the media represents law enforcement today and whether this portrayal accurately reflects the realities of police work. You will need to examine different perspectives, provide examples, and justify your stance with logical reasoning.

🚨 Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily! 🚨

Step 1: Plan Your Report Structure (300-600+ Words)

Your report should be well-structured and divided into:

  1. Introduction (1 Paragraph)

    • Briefly introduce the topic of media portrayal of police.
    • Mention the significance of public perception and how media influences it.
    • State your thesis: Does the media provide a fair and accurate representation of police work?
  2. Body (2-3 Paragraphs Minimum)

    Paragraph 1: How the Media Portrays Police

    • Explain the common narratives used in the media regarding law enforcement.
    • Discuss differences between news media, social media, and entertainment portrayals.
    • Provide real-world examples (e.g., high-profile cases, TV shows, viral videos).

    Paragraph 2: Evaluating the Fairness of This Portrayal

    • Compare media portrayals to actual law enforcement statistics and studies.
    • Consider both positive and negative representations of police work.
    • Address whether media coverage focuses on sensational incidents rather than everyday policing.

    Paragraph 3: Factors Influencing Media Representation

    • Discuss political, social, and historical factors affecting how police are shown.
    • Analyze how different sources (news outlets, advocacy groups, personal stories) shape narratives.
    • Explain how media bias, selective reporting, or agenda-driven coverage may impact public opinion.
  3. Conclusion (1 Paragraph)

    • Summarize key points regarding media portrayals and their accuracy.
    • State whether you believe the media provides a balanced view of police work.
    • Suggest improvements, such as more objective reporting or increased transparency from law enforcement.

Step 2: Support Your Argument with Evidence

  • Use news reports, crime statistics, academic sources, or expert opinions.
  • Provide balanced perspectives, avoiding extreme biases.

Step 3: Final Review Checklist ✅

✔ Does your report clearly analyze the media’s portrayal of police?
✔ Have you provided real-world examples and supporting evidence?
✔ Is your writing clear, structured, and free of grammatical errors?
✔ Have you followed the word count and formatting guidelines?

By following this structured approach, you’ll develop a thoughtful and well-researched report on the media’s influence on public perceptions of law enforcement.

Realistic Career Aspirations, Income Predictions, and Cost of Living Analysis

Discuss, realistically, your professional aspirations and how you will attain them.
Predict your level of income during the first year after graduation, five years after, and then ten years after. Make sure you research starting salaries of persons in your chosen field (in your local community). Do you consider this to be low, middle or high income?
Research the cost of living in your area. About how much each month are you be able to spend on an apartment or home if you spend 50% of your monthly income for housing? Will this afford you a living space in the place you plan to live in your community? Why or why not?
Based on the cost of living in your area, will you be able to purchase a home? If so, when will you purchase one, what will be the cost, and how will you save to make at least a 25% down payment for the home? What will be your approximate house payment each month for the home? Is this more or less than you anticipate spending if you spend 50% of your monthly income for housing? Does this monthly payment include taxes and insurance? What would be the cost of those each month?
Write your answer as one 3-5 paragraph essay. Your essay should be at least 500 words and appropriately have an introduction, body, and conclusion.
The references you use for cost of living and salaries may include your textbook or any other reliable sources. You should be sure to cite your source within the essay and list a bibliographical reference to the source at the end of the essay using the APA format.

Post Content:

This essay requires a detailed exploration of your career goals, income expectations, and financial planning in relation to the cost of living in your local area. Your response should be well-researched and structured, incorporating sources to support your claims.

🚨 Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily! 

Step 1: Plan Your Essay Structure (500+ Words, 3-5 Paragraphs)

Your essay should include:

  1. Introduction (1 Paragraph)

    • State your career aspirations realistically and explain why you chose this path.
    • Briefly mention the importance of financial planning for your future.
    • Provide a thesis statement outlining the focus of your essay (career goals, income expectations, and cost of living analysis).
  2. Body (2-3 Paragraphs)

    Paragraph 1: Career Aspirations and Income Predictions

    • Describe your chosen career field and your short-term and long-term goals.
    • Research and state the starting salary for professionals in your field in your local area (cite sources).
    • Predict your income in year 1, year 5, and year 10, based on industry trends and potential promotions.
    • Classify your income level (low, middle, or high) based on economic standards.

    Paragraph 2: Cost of Living and Housing Affordability

    • Research the cost of living in your area (cite sources).
    • Calculate how much you can afford to spend on housing if you allocate 50% of your monthly income.
    • Compare this amount to actual rental or housing costs in your local area.
    • Explain whether this budget would allow you to live comfortably where you plan to reside.

    Paragraph 3: Homeownership Feasibility

    • Discuss whether you will be able to afford a home based on your projected income and savings plan.
    • Research local home prices and estimate when you might purchase one.
    • Calculate the 25% down payment and explain how you will save for it.
    • Estimate your monthly mortgage payment (including taxes and insurance) and compare it to the 50% housing budget from earlier.
  3. Conclusion (1 Paragraph)

    • Summarize your career expectations and financial plan.
    • Reflect on whether your career choice will provide financial stability for your desired lifestyle.
    • Mention any potential adjustments you might need to make based on cost-of-living realities.

Step 2: Conduct Research and Cite Sources

  • Use reliable sources (government websites, salary databases, real estate market reports).
  • Cite all sources in APA format both in-text and in a reference list at the end.

Step 3: Final Review Checklist ✅

✔ Does your essay clearly outline your career path and financial projections?
✔ Have you researched and cited reliable sources for salaries and cost-of-living data?
✔ Is your writing structured, clear, and free of grammatical errors?
✔ Have you followed the word count and formatting requirements?

By following this structured approach, you’ll craft a strong, well-researched essay that effectively evaluates your professional and financial future.


Ethical Dilemma Analysis and Alternative Resolutions

For instance on assignment #5, you will write a paper that reflects your deeper review of the ethical dilemma (in assignment #1, c) and determine if there were alternatives to how you handled the dilemma or if you are satisfied with how you handled it.
As a group, submit a 2 to 3-page (double-spaced) ethics case that includes: (1) the facts about what happened, (2) the ethical dilemma in the case, (3) what the result was, (4) comment on the result-was it the best ethical outcome or not? What should have happened? Base your paper on the concepts of ethics that are in your textbook. Do not copy or cut and paste anything. You may change the names of the people and the business if you want-but be sure to describe the type of business so we know what is going on (if it is pertinent).

Post Content:

Writing this paper requires a deep reflection on a previously discussed ethical dilemma, analyzing its resolution, and evaluating whether alternative actions could have led to a better ethical outcome. Ensure your case is well-structured, integrates ethical concepts from your textbook, and follows academic writing standards.

🚨 Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily! 

Step 1: Review Your Previous Ethical Dilemma (Assignment #1, c)

  • Revisit the ethical dilemma you originally discussed.
  • Summarize the key facts—who was involved, what happened, and why it was an ethical issue.

Step 2: Structure Your Paper (2-3 Pages, Double-Spaced)

Your paper should be organized into four sections:

  1. Introduction (1 Paragraph)

    • Briefly introduce the ethical dilemma and its significance.
    • Clearly state the purpose of your paper.
  2. Case Facts and Ethical Dilemma (1 Page)

    • Provide a detailed summary of what happened.
    • Describe the ethical conflict involved—why was it a dilemma?
    • Use ethical concepts from your textbook to frame the issue.
  3. Outcome and Evaluation (1 Page)

    • Explain how the situation was resolved.
    • Was the outcome ethical? Why or why not?
    • Could alternative actions have led to a more ethical resolution?
  4. Conclusion (1 Paragraph)

    • Reflect on whether you are satisfied with the way the situation was handled.
    • Summarize the key ethical takeaways from your analysis.

Step 3: Integrate Ethical Theories

  • Use ethical frameworks from your textbook (e.g., utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics) to analyze the situation.
  • Provide logical reasoning for why an alternative resolution might be more ethical.

Step 4: Maintain Academic Integrity

  • Do not copy or cut and paste—write in your own words.
  • If changing names or businesses, ensure the context remains clear.
  • Use proper citations if referencing ethical concepts from your textbook.

Final Review Checklist ✅

✔ Does your paper clearly outline the facts, dilemma, outcome, and alternative solutions?
✔ Have you applied ethical theories to analyze the situation?
✔ Is your writing clear, structured, and free of grammatical errors?
✔ Have you followed the required length and formatting guidelines?

By following this structured approach, you’ll craft a well-analyzed and insightful paper on ethical decision-making.

Executive Summary: Safety Issues and Acquisition Considerations for Company B

You have almost completed your analysis of Companies A and B and are scheduled to deliver your proposal to the board. While researching to ensure accurate and up-to-date data, you learn that two of Company B’s aircraft have been grounded over the past couple of months due to technical issues, one of which could have been an FAA safety violation.

The subsequent investigations, technical repairs, and grounded flights have led to a 10% drop in their revenue over the last month. Mitigation expenses have added about $80,000 to their operating costs. Company B has also suffered negative customer feedback due to some of the ground crew’s mishandling of the situation.

In this assignment, you will write an executive summary to capture the situation and share your analysis and perspective on how these safety issues might affect your acquisition recommendation.


Write an executive summary describing the newly discovered concerns and your analysis of the situation at Company B.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Summarize the safety issues and their direct impact on the company over the past month.
  • Describe how this news affects factors other than revenue, which will then affect the company’s value.
  • How does this affect your initial performance evaluation and analysis of the company?
    • Do you see any additional risks? Explain.
  • Will it impact your recommendation about acquisition? Why or why not?
    • What additional information about this situation will you need to make your final decision?

What to Submit

Submit a 1 page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Included APA7 sources.

Executive Summary: Safety Issues and Acquisition Considerations for Company B

Overview of Safety Issues and Impact

Recent developments at Company B reveal that two aircraft have been grounded due to technical issues, with one potentially constituting an FAA safety violation. Over the past month, these issues have led to a 10% drop in revenue and $80,000 in mitigation expenses, significantly impacting financial stability. Additionally, negative customer feedback has surfaced due to improper handling by ground crew, further damaging Company B’s reputation and operational efficiency.

Broader Implications on Company Value

Beyond revenue loss, these safety concerns may affect:

  • Regulatory Compliance: A potential FAA violation could result in fines, additional inspections, or increased oversight, impacting long-term operations.
  • Brand Reputation: Negative customer experiences and safety concerns may lead to a decline in customer trust and loyalty.
  • Operational Disruptions: The grounding of aircraft affects scheduling, employee productivity, and overall service efficiency.

Impact on Initial Performance Evaluation

Initially, Company B’s performance was evaluated based on revenue, operational efficiency, and market position. However, these safety issues introduce hidden risks that were not previously accounted for. The decline in financial performance and reputational damage raises concerns about the company’s overall stability and future growth potential.

Additional Risks to Consider

  • Potential Lawsuits: Customer dissatisfaction and potential FAA violations could result in legal action.
  • Long-Term Financial Impact: Increased insurance premiums, safety compliance costs, and potential loss of clientele may further weaken financial standing.
  • Employee Morale and Retention: Mishandling of safety incidents could impact workforce confidence and operational effectiveness.

Impact on Acquisition Recommendation

Given these risks, the acquisition recommendation requires reevaluation. If Company B fails to implement corrective actions effectively, the long-term costs may outweigh the potential benefits. However, if strategic improvements are made—such as stricter safety protocols and customer service training—the acquisition could still be viable.

Additional Information Required

To make a final decision, further investigation is needed on:

  • FAA Investigation Findings: Assessing potential regulatory penalties or restrictions.
  • Corrective Measures Implemented: Evaluating Company B’s response to mitigate future incidents.
  • Long-Term Financial Forecasts: Understanding the financial impact of recent safety issues on revenue projections and cost structure.

In conclusion, while Company B presents growth opportunities, the newly identified risks necessitate a reassessment of its valuation and integration potential. A final recommendation will depend on the company’s ability to address these concerns effectively.

References (Bititci, U. S. (2015). Managing business performance: The science and the art. Wiley.)

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Creating an Informational Flyer: False Memory & Eyewitness Testimony in the Legal System

Assignment Instructions (Ma)
Assignment Title: Creating an Informational Flyer on False Memory and Eyewitness Testimony

To help students understand the complexities of memory and the implications of eyewitness testimony, as well as to highlight the importance of accurately assessing these elements in the justice system.

In this assignment, you’ll use insights from the “60 Minutes” segment on Ronald Cotton to create an informational flyer aimed at educating judges and juries about false memories and eyewitness testimony. Ronald Cotton’s story is a compelling case study on the impact of mistaken identity and the fallibility of human memory in the legal system.


Watch the 60 Minutes Segment:

Watch both parts of the “60 Minutes” segment on Ronald Cotton and Jennifer Thompson. This is a legal case that happened right here in NC, and resulted in legal changes in how you will be interviewed by law enforcement. This can typically be found online through streaming services or on the official “60 Minutes” website. Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-SBTRLoPuo

Research and Understand the Concepts:

Review key concepts related to memory, including false memories, the malleability of eyewitness accounts, and the psychological factors that can affect testimony.
Look into relevant research studies and psychological theories that pertain to memory accuracy and witness reliability.

Create an Informational Flyer:

Post Content (Including Step-by-Step Guide):

🟥 Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step 1: Understand the Purpose of This Assignment

This assignment requires you to create an informational flyer that educates judges and juries on the fallibility of eyewitness testimony and the concept of false memories. Your goal is to present clear, research-backed information in a visually engaging and easy-to-understand format.

Step 2: Watch the 60 Minutes Segment

  • Watch both parts of the “60 Minutes” segment on Ronald Cotton and Jennifer Thompson.
  • Pay attention to how mistaken identity led to a wrongful conviction.
  • Take notes on how law enforcement procedures and human memory contributed to the error.

Step 3: Research Key Concepts

  • False Memories: How people can recall events inaccurately.
  • Eyewitness Testimony Reliability: Psychological studies show that memories are not always accurate.
  • Cognitive Factors Affecting Memory:
    • Leading questions
    • Stress and anxiety
    • Time delay between witnessing an event and recalling it
  • Legal Implications: How wrongful convictions due to faulty eyewitness testimony impact the justice system.

Step 4: Structure Your Informational Flyer

Your flyer should be clear, visually engaging, and informative. Follow this structure:

1. Title and Headline

  • Choose a compelling title like “How Reliable is Eyewitness Testimony?”
  • Include a brief subheading summarizing why this topic is important.

2. Introduction (Brief)

  • Define false memories and explain why eyewitness testimony can be unreliable.

3. Key Research Findings (Bullet Points or Infographic)

  • Summarize psychological research (e.g., Loftus & Palmer’s study on memory distortion).
  • Explain factors that affect memory accuracy (e.g., stress, leading questions, time delay).

4. Case Study: Ronald Cotton

  • Briefly summarize the wrongful conviction case.
  • Highlight the role of mistaken identity and police lineup procedures.

5. Legal and Justice System Implications

  • Explain why judges and juries must critically assess eyewitness testimony.
  • Mention any policy changes made to prevent future errors.

6. Visuals & Design Elements

  • Use images, charts, or infographics to make the information engaging.
  • Consider bolded facts or statistics for emphasis.

7. Conclusion & Call to Action

  • End with a strong statement: “Eyewitness testimony can be persuasive—but it is not always accurate. Justice depends on critically evaluating all evidence.”

Step 5: Formatting Your Flyer

Keep it concise (1–2 pages max)
Use clear headings and bullet points
Incorporate visuals (charts, icons, or case-related images)
Cite sources (APA format) if required

By following this guide, you’ll create an effective and educational flyer that informs legal professionals about the risks of false memory and eyewitness testimony. 🚀

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