OPGB 6627-PMBA Operations ManagementInstructor: Dr. Sarah J. WuE-mail: jiwu@fordham.eduZoom link: https://fordham.zoom.us/j/9053242809Class time: Thursday 5:45-7:45pmOffice Hours: By appointmentCourse ObjectivesOperations management is responsible for design, planning, execution, control, andmonitoring of supply-chain activities to provide a product, a service or a product-servicebundle with the objective of creating value and building a competitive advantage. Thiscourse provides an introduction to this field to understand that decisions made byoperations managers along these processes could directly impact an organization’scompetitiveness. Topics include operations and sustainable strategy, demand management,process management, inventory management, quality management, constraintsmanagement etc.Operations encompasses the bulk of most organizations with the largest portions of assets,working capital, and human resources. It also has a significant impact on other areas of anorganization including marketing, finance, and accounting as well as an impact on theexternal customers of the firm. As such, the performance of an organization is largelydetermined by its operations function.Course Materials1. Customized textbook (with Connect): Operations and Supply Chain Management – TheCore 6th edition by Jacobs and Chase, McGraw-Hill. Operations & Production Management.Click the first reading assignment under “Week 1 (course setup)” folder on Blackboard topurchase the e-textbook ($99). The online learning platform (Connect) is free with thepurchase of the textbook. It is necessary for reading assignments.McGraw Hill TECH SUPPORT: Phone: 800.331.5094Sun: 12pm – 12am | Mon-Thurs: 24 hrs | Fri: 12am – 9pm |Sat: 10am – 8pm (Eastern Time)2. On-line simulation game (required): Littlefield labs & technologies by ResponsiveLearning Technologies. Registration information is on the next page.3. Course website: http://fordham.blackboard.comThe course website has reading assignments, PowerPoint slides, lecture recordings,simulation instructions/assignments, and analytics assignments. The due dates of theassignments will be posted here, please keep track of them.1
Course Syllabus Spring 2024Learning Objectives Understand the role of operations/supply chain within an organization Effectively communicate in operations management language Make key decisions in the operations field, e.g., process, forecasting, quality,inventory, lean, etc. Improve analytical and technical skills in decision-making Advance oral and written communication skills Enhance teamwork skills via group activitiesCourse Requirements and GradingGrading for the course is based on the total points earned by the end of the semester.Points are derived from live class attendance/participation, Smartbook assignments, twoonline simulation games, and four operations analytics homework assignments.Attendance/Participation (10 points)Attendance/participation, to a great extent, reflects a student’s effort in the course andaccounts for 10 points of the final grade. Please sign in with your official name. Studentsarriving late, leaving class early, or with the camera off will not get full attendance points. Astudent can get one unexcused absence without losing points.Assignments on Connect (30 points)Smartbook reading (14 points) – Smartbook readings will be assigned for each topicthrough Connect (i.e., the online platform), and you need to finish the readingassignment and answer the questions before the due date in order to earn credit.Smartbook assignments will help you better prepare for the class and enhancelearning effectiveness. No extensions of the due date will be given for any excuse.After-class homework (16 points) – Homework questions will be assigned after thelecture through Connect. These questions serve as sample questions for the finalexam. Those who work on the homework questions not only earn credit (credit isbased upon the accuracy of the answers) but also become better prepared for theexams. Late work will be accepted with a penalty (deduction of 20% points/day).Simulation game/presentation/report (30 points)There will be two online simulation assignments. To access the simulation, each studentmust first purchase an individual access code directly frommgr.responsive.net/Manager/ShowClient. Our institution name is ″Fordham University″.The product is titled ″LT Code for Professor Wu″. The price will be $18, payable byMasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express cards.Then, use both the individual code and the course code (wisdom) to register your team (a2
Course Syllabus Spring 2024maximum of four students per team) at op.responsive.net/lt/fordham/start.html. Studentsnot registered in a team before February 8th cannot play the game and will lose all possiblepoints for the entire simulation.Before the simulation starts, please read “Littlefield Technologies: Overview” to understandthe context of the game and the relevant decisions you will need to make. Once thesimulator has started, you can access your team fromop.responsive.net/lt/fordham/entry.html. Monitor your factories and make appropriatedecisions to maximize the cash position at the end of the simulation. You can downloaddata and open it in Excel to do analysis to help you make better decisions. Each simulationassignment lasts for a whole week. Each team has to decide how to communicate andachieve the best performance.After the simulation ends, each team must submit a reflection report and give apresentation (guidelines will be posted on Blackboard). Simulations #1 and #2 are worth10 points and 20 points, respectively. The points a team earns are primarily determined byits simulation performance ranking (60%) and factors in the quality of the report andpresentation (40%).Final Exams (30 points)The final exam is open books and open notes. NO make-up exams in general. Make-upexams are ONLY given to students who cannot attend the exam due to approved universityabsence (serious illness – doctor notice is required, required participation in university-sponsored events, or death in a student’s immediate family). Please submit thecorresponding evidence ASAP to schedule the make-up
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