Marketing Plan: Situation Analysis & New Product Development Using the SAME PROD

Marketing Plan: Situation Analysis & New Product Development
Using the SAME PRODUCT OR SERVICE you wrote about in the first assignment, pretend you are introducing a new product in the same category as your Step One research.
Conduct a study of its consumer target market to include demographics, geographics, and psychographics. Be sure to take into account the target market of competing products, finding a niche for yours.
Identify your points of difference and positioning strategy.
Analyze relevant category trends.
Analyze consumer trends.
Perform an environmental analysis including both a SWOT & PEST.
This project requires an understanding of the online library database system. The CityU Library and Course Librarian (see Faculty Information tab for contact information) is available to help you find credible sources.
Attached please find the first marketing plan I submitted-you will use the same company but this time its situation analysis and product development.

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