The Scenario: Tom Insurance salesman, male, age 52, lifetime non-smoker, diagnos

The Scenario: Tom
Insurance salesman, male, age 52, lifetime non-smoker, diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer within the past 6 weeks. This is his first visit since he received his first chemotherapy treatment. He is presenting to his oncologist for discussion about an incidental finding of a germline EGFR mutation identified during tumor genetic analysis. He is being considered for participation in a research study that will involve germline genetic testing on a blood sample to confirm this finding. If confirmed, family members could also be tested and if mutation positive, undergo lung cancer screening.
1. Describe the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGRF).
2. What are the risk factors for EGRF mutations?
3. Discuss genetic testing for EGRF mutations, i. e., who, when, why
4. Discuss the relationship between EGFR mutation and targeted therapies.
Has to be in APA format and 3 references within 5 years. answer lenght 250 words minimum

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