Read: In Laubacher et al.’s (2023) An introduction to social science: Indiv

In Laubacher et al.’s (2023) An introduction to social science: Individuals, society, and culture.

Chapter 3: Analyzing Society
Chapter 4: Culture and Its Relationship to Society 

Week 2 Lesson

How to Read a Scholarly ArticleLinks to an external site.
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Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism in Group and OutgroupLinks to an external site.
Select a Topic: Select one of the following topics that interests you and read the linked source associated with that topic: 
Religious Headcoverings for Women in Christianity, Islam, & Judaism:

(Re)Envisioning the VeilLinks to an external site.

Carlisle Indian Industrial School

White Power and Performance of Assimilation: Lincoln Institute and Carlisle Indian SchoolLinks to an external site.

Racial and Ethnic Inequality in Poverty and Affluence Inequitable impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on Blacks and Latinos:

Racial and Ethnic Inequality in Poverty and Affluence, 1959-2015Links to an external site.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: A Political Analysis of its Impact on Black and Latino Unemployment in the United StatesLinks to an external site..

The relationship between skin color, discrimination, and health among African-Americans:

The Cost of Color: Skin Color, Discrimination, and Health Among African-AmericansLinks to an external site.

The economic and social impact of the caste system in India:

Caste and Tribe Inequality: Evidence from India, 1983-1999Links to an external site.

“Third” genders: Hijra and Muxes

Social stigma, legal and public health barriers faced by the third gender phenomena in Brazil, India and Mexico: travestis, hijras, and muxesLinks to an external site.

 Reflect: Society and culture are two of the main areas of study within the social sciences, though they are often used interchangeably within day-to-day conversation. Reflect on the computer analogy that was incorporated into Chapter 4 of your text. How does this example explain the distinction and the mutually reinforcing nature of society and culture? What of the example of Iman, that opened both chapter 3 and chapter 4 of your text? How is this explored differently in each chapter?Next, reflect upon your personal context. Think about the norms and values that shape your everyday life; how you were socialized or enculturated to these norms, your social status within American society, and the different social institutions that make up twenty-first century American society. How do these all combine to make you who you are? How might a sociologist explain your identity using sociological imagination? How might an anthropologist examine the cultural norms and values of your cultural and subcultural context using cultural relativism?Write: Write an initial post of at least 250 words that accomplishes the following:

Describes the importance of cultural relativism and the sociological imagination in examining social and cultural factors. How do these work together in order to try and prevent biases from entering into research?
Examines the topic you selected from the list above in a culturally relativistic way.

Your post should approach cultural and social difference through the perspective of the culture/society being examined.

Describes the selected topic in social and cultural context.

Identify the impact of social institutions, social stratification, social status, and power on the topic (this will vary by topic)
Examine cultural norms and values as they relate to the topic (this will vary by topic)
Discuss the intersection of society and culture in relation to the topic. That is, how is this topic a byproduct of both social and cultural elements?

Please use in-text APA citations within your post, as well as full APA references at the end of your post. If you need APA assistance, review the Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. and Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. resources. 

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