Choose a topic below and do the following: 1.Responsible for my country 2.1 appr

Choose a topic below and do the following:
1.Responsible for my country
2.1 appreciate my family
3.Responsible for myself
4.1 appreciate the people around me
5.My responsibility towards my environment
Grading Requirements:
1. Times New Roman 2 Points
2.12 Point 2 Points
Double Spaced 2 Points
Indented Paragraphs 2 Points
Top Left Corner Information 5 Points
Min 4 Sentences per Paragraph 5 Points
7.400+ words 20 Points
Spelling and Grammar 10 Points
Clearly Identifies your topic 5 Points
Clearly explains your topic 20 Points
Thesis Statement 10 Points
Supporting Paragraph(s) 10 Points

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