In your new leadership position, you have found that there has been a higher inc

In your new leadership position, you have found that there has been a higher incidence of errors occurring on one of your assigned units. You have asked by your manager if you could investigate the situation and identify options to decrease one of the errors on the unit. The manager requests that you examine the evidence in the literature and critically appraise the validity, relativity, applicability, and credibility. To help you with the process, the manager provides you with the evaluation spreadsheet to critically appraise the evidence available.
Part I
Complete a literature review on a topic of interest that has a higher incidence of errors on your unit. Document the information from the study on the evaluation table to create a “keeper” table. Thoroughly complete each column for each study on the table. Include at least three relevant studies in your review.
Evaluation Table
Part II
After you complete the evaluation table, write a summary to your manager, including the following:
Write a summary of the critical appraisal presented on the table and your analysis.
Explain why you selected the studies that you would keep and the applicability of that study to advance nursing practice for the problem identified?
State why you did not keep other studies that you reviewed for the problem identified.
APA format

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