For this journal, please complete the following questions regarding your career

For this journal, please complete the following questions regarding your career goals:
What is one of your career goals?
How are you actively working towards reaching this goal?
What are some potential roadblocks that may prevent you from reaching these goals?
What will keep you motivated to work towards these goals?
As a reminder, all journal entries are intended to be a reflection on your own thoughts and experiences. Feel free to expand upon the journal prompt questions and submit your journal (1-2 pages).
This is what is to be expanded on. In the field of Law Enforcement.
1. What is one of your career goals?
To advance the ranks.
2. How are you actively working towards reaching this goal?
Studying and taking promotional exams.
3. What are some potential roadblocks that may prevent you from reaching these goals?
Demanding work life! Finding time to study.
4. What will keep you motivated?
Salary and opportunity for advancment

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