10 slide powerpoint Part 1: Terminology Explain Arizona’s definition of an E

 10 slide powerpoint
Part 1: Terminology
Explain Arizona’s definition of an English learner (EL).
Briefly discuss the distinctions between the following instructional program models: ESL, bilingual, sheltered English instruction, and structured English immersion (SEI).
Part 2: Four Principles of Arizona’s Language Development Approach
Briefly describe Arizona’s Language Development Approach and the synthesis of the research around ELLs.
Explain student agency and its importance in the instruction of ELLs.
Explain each of the four principles of Arizona’s Language Development Approach.
Discuss components of Arizona’s approved research-based SEI models: Newcomer, Pull-Out, Two Hour, 50-50 Dual Language Immersion.
Part 3: Assessment and Placement
Explain the process used to determine ELL program eligibility, placement, and reassessment, including the use of the Home Language Survey and Arizona’s English language proficiency assessment.
Identify the standard accommodations available to ELLs for assessment.

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