1.  Single-Father Families:  Single dad families: Advantages: Men’s example: Si

1.  Single-Father Families: 
Single dad families:
Men’s example: Single-dad families can give a favorable example for kids, giving guidance and help in sections that may historically be linked with the dad figure.
Gender Diversity: Youth in single-parent families can help from exposure to various gene perspectives and duties. 
Shared responsibility: In a few cases, single-dad families can have more workable and fair sharing of households and youth duties compared to the historical family structure.
Limit Social Support: Single dads might experience social stigma or not receive enough assistance compared to single moms as they may not be fit for historical gene responsibility. 
Emotional Challenge:  Single dads may have difficulties coping and much more. Also, they are not likely to look for help due to social requirements. 
Single mother families:
Strong support network: Single moms constantly create a powerful network with loved ones and friends. They also give feeling support.
Resilience: Single moms might grow to be resilient and self-rule when going around difficulties and duties with determination.
Single moms are likely to experience financial difficulties. The cause of this is gene pay and much more.  
Time constraint: Single moms may have complications in balancing their jobs and babysitters, which can cause tiredness.
” Few youth  are born into single families  and some  single families are  generated  in adolscene years  through seperation or adoption”(McGoldrick, 2016  PAGE  396)
Question to genreate: What are some other advantages and disavantes ?
2. Single-father and single-mother households both have their advantages and disadvantages. Single-father homes can be a positive thing for showing a more masculine home for boys. Also, fathers tend to be more firm on structure and being the one to discipline. On the negative side fathers teng to not have the emtional side children of any age need, they teng to struggle with how to express emotions. Single-mother homes offer more of a nurturing environment providing chidlren emotional support and guidance through challanging times. The negative side to a single-mother home is that women sometimes have sacrifice work to be able to take care of children making fiances dificult 

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