Education teaching course assignment . Teaching Primary English as an additional

Education teaching course assignment . Teaching Primary English as an additional language in Hong Kong , Must follow instructions closely. Must follow definition and terminology closely in provided reading.
Must answered all questions separately . Total number of words 1800 ( excluding bibliography ,footnote etc )Question a(approx.400 words ) Question b (approx. 900 words ), Question c (approx. 500 words)
Must follow definition and terminology closely in provided reading first. Then supplemented with other sources. Question a refer to both listening and speaking. Question b and Question c focus on listening.
a Outline the purposes of real-life listening and speaking. (20 marks)
begin with unit 7a p.2-9, then unit 7b and other sources
b Explain and illustrate the factors essential to designing good listening tasks for teaching and assessment purposes. (50 marks)
begin with unit 7a p.9-39, then unit 7b and other sources
c Discuss the effectiveness of the listening tasks you have used in your classes to promote students’ flexible application of top-down and bottom-up processing strategies. (30 marks)
Must follow the definition of top-down and bottom-up processing from unit 7a p.9,10.
Must check unit 7 a P.10,11—the 11 skills and strategies whether these are considered bottom-up or top- down.(answer on P.33 )
In answering the question, you should apply what you have learnt from Units 6 and 7. In your answer, you should integrate information from Units 7a(listening and speaking)Unit7b(listening) and its associated readings, as well as using your experience as a language teacher in primary classrooms in Hong Kong if possible. You are encouraged to apply what you have learnt about authentic learning tasks and the processing strategies to promote effective listening and speaking from Unit 7 and its associated readings. In writing parts b and c, you should opt for either speaking or listening tasks throughout the presentation. In part b, you should consider factors which facilitate purposeful and genuine communication and which help to organise the examples of tasks. You should also examine the factors that help in designing a speaking or listening task for valid assessment. To tackle part c, you should consider how the tasks you have used provide opportunities for practising top-down and bottom-up processing strategies and how effective they are in promoting the learning of these strategies. You should also make suggestions for improving the tasks whenever possible. As before, try to learn from your tutor’s comments on your previous assignments and, if necessary, improve your presentation skills. In marking the assignment, your tutor will consider your ability to apply what you have learnt, the quality of your discussion and analysis, and the organisation and presentation of your answers. In academic writing, you should not base your ideas on intuitive thinking. Also, it is important to present your ideas precisely and concisely. Marks will be deducted if you write an excessively long essay

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