Read chapter 10 and answer the following questions using only the textbook from

Read chapter 10 and answer the following questions using only the textbook from the link:–mark-dyreson–matthew-p.-llewellyn–… Page 424: What were the historical and intellectual roots of the Olympic Games and the World Cup? What were some of the most significant challenges faced by promoters of these two sporting spectacles? Did the idealism and lofty goals of Olympism result in Olympic policies that promoted social justice? How did women, ethnic minorities, and members of the lower socio-economic classes fare in the early years of the Olympic movement?
Are statements of value and purpose, such as those contained in the philosophy of Olympism, useful or not?
Did amateurism preserve the purity of the Olympics, or was it used for less ethically defensible purposes?
Why did sport emerge as an important political tool? How is it still used for political purposes today? Is the logic of business compatible with the logic of sport? Why or why not? How has the commercialization of sport both helped and harmed our games? How does the notion of good stewardship relate to obligations carried by sport entrepreneurs? What kinds of actions would good stewards undertake? 8. And answer the student exercise on page 413 (Nature and Nurture in Health and Athletic Performance)

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