Below I have listed instructions and the rubric. Thank you! You will write a one

Below I have listed instructions and the rubric. Thank you!
You will write a one-three page paper defining bioethical issues in your own words. You will include two examples of bioethics issues. You will need to include at least two references, which will be cited in the body of your paper. This paper will be APA format and should have a title page, headings and a reference page. This in not an opinion paper. It should not be written as something is right or wrong. You are reporting the facts and evidence about the topic. This assignment is due: 3/01/2024 (worth 50 points)
Remember to complete Part 2, listed below.
Must include:
Title page
Introduction paragraph
Defining bioethical issue in your own words (need a heading)
2 examples of bioethical issues (need a heading)
Conclusion paragraph

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