All the details are in one of the pdfs below. We are required sources from our s

All the details are in one of the pdfs below. We are required sources from our schools library so I provided the only two I could find.
Here is what my teacher said about my last essay to further help you write to your best potential:
This essay has a lot of potential. It’s just missing so many of the formal requirements of the assignment, which makes it ineligible for a passing score on the assignment. There are great ideas here, but this needs an introduction paragraph with a full orientation that gives a sense of the stories from your perspective—without quotes as stated in the instructions—and a complete thesis statement with an indication of logic and a specific interpretation of your comparison of the stories, which is needed to unify analysis. This is also technically missing all required research. Four articles were required, two for each story, and actual quotations from qualifying research and from at least one of the stories in every supporting paragraph was required as well, leaving all these supporting paragraphs incomplete. Also, leave out the headings for all the essays you write in this class. Our essays are too short for it, and the instructions ask you to make no announcements. Again, this essay has potential. It just need to be completed according to the requirements of the assignment
Let me know if there is any confusion! 🙂

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