chosen company- Apple  Question 1 Write down what you think is the competitive a

chosen company- Apple
 Question 1
Write down what you think is the competitive advantage of the market-leading company in any industry of your own selection.
Question 2
Do  a SWOT analysis table for the market-leading company in any industry of  your own selection, as shown in the sample. Please provide evidence to  support your claims.
Question 3
Identify  three trends related to each of the five environmental forces (social,  economic, technological, competitive, and regulatory) that relate to any  industry of your own selection.
Question 4
Based  on your understanding of the current economic and social situations in  the U.S, write down specific ideas for the four alternative growth  strategies including market penetration, market development, product  development and diversification by the market-leading company in any  industry of your own selection. 

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