Write a 2 page paper discussing how memory, the past, and emotion are utilized a

Write a 2 page paper discussing how memory, the past, and emotion are utilized as elements that change or shape the setting in the excerpts from “High Risk Homosexual,” “How To Write An Autobiographical Novel,” and “When They Tell You To Be Good.” (ALL 3 DOCUMENTS ARE ATTACHED).
Provide at least two in-text examples from EACH excerpt to support your analysis.
Questions to consider:
How do the authors in the selected excerpts use memory to influence setting?
How does memory serve as a lens through which the setting is described or interpreted?
Can you identify instances where memory alters the perception of the environment or contributes to a specific mood or atmosphere in the setting?
How do these authors’ use of memory contribute to a deeper understanding of the setting’s significance within the context of the narrative?
In what ways does the past play a role in shaping the setting in these excerpts?
How do references to historical events or personal histories impact the depiction of the setting?
Are there instances where the past is woven into the physical environment or the emotional atmosphere of the setting?
How does the incorporation of the past enhance the reader’s connection to the setting and contribute to the overall narrative?
How do emotions influence the portrayal and transformation of setting in these excerpts?
How do the characters’ or narrators’ emotions color their perceptions of the environment?
Can you identify moments where intense emotions alter the setting or contribute to a sense of place?
How does the interplay between emotion and setting provide insight into the characters’ internal struggles or growth throughout the narrative?

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