Directions: Answer all Questions/Roman numerals. Exam questions should be typed

Answer all Questions/Roman numerals. Exam questions should be typed with
double spacing. The analysis of each ARTICLE should be from 1-2 pages in length. Submit the exam with a COVER PAGE; your name should ONLY be on the COVER PAGE.
Extra Credit: Each article analyzed beyond the required FIVE will count for Extra Credit, up to 5 points each. Make sure you label it, EXTRA CREDIT.
Due Date: These Essays are due TUES. DEC 5, the LAST CLASS Final M-C/T-F Exam is on TUES Dec. 12th for the 1:50 class and | Fri. Dec 15 for the 9:05 class
1) Deviance and Crime (20 points) [Length: 1- 2 pages for each article]
Choose ONE of the following articles, Lindholm, “im Jones and the People’s Temple,” Berger,
“Society, Social Control, and the Individual,” and Chambliss: “The Saints and the Roughnecks,” and
describe the author’s principle ideas; cite data/research if appropriate, and
of the theories of deviance/crime explained in the Henslin text, Chapter Six, choose which theory best explains the deviance or crime. Explain your answer. If you choose the Berger article, on social control, you should explain whether the article is more functionalist, conflict, or interactionist in its perspective (or a combination of the three).
II) Social Inequality: Class (40 points) [Length: 1-2 pages for each article]
In examining inequality/social stratification, Marx and Weber looked at property, power, and/or prestige [Marx focused mainly on property, Weber on all three).
Choose TWO of the following articles: “Gans’, “The Uses of Poverty,” Lareau, “Social Class and Child Rearing,” Kozol,
“The Shame of the Schools,” Aronowitz, “Class in Everyday Life,”
Russell, “Inequality in Europe and the United States,” Bellah, “The Polarization of Class in the World,” Skocpol,
, “Government Programs and Social Cohesion,” and/or Diamond, “Liberal
Democracy and Democratic Culture.”
describe author’s principle ideas, cite data/research if appropriate
explain how one or more of the three Ps can be useful in understanding and interpreting these articles.
III) Social Inequality: Race/Ethnicity (20 points) [Length: 1 to 2 pages for each article]
Choose ONE of the following: Steinberg,
“Educational Opportunities and Race,” Lee, “Yellow
Face: Asian Americans in Popular Culture,
” Western, “Punishment and Inequality in America”
Suarez-Orozco, “Children of Immigrants: Adaptation and Identity” and Oliver and Shapiro,
“Race, Wealth, and Equality?”
Describe and analyze the author’s key ideas, cite data/research if appropriate, and
explain how each has helped you better understand the issue of racial and ethnic inequality in America.
IV) Social Inequality: Sex/Gender (20 points) [Length: 1-2 for each article)
Choose ONE of the following articles: Risman, “Gender as Structure,” Howard and Hollander,
“The Meaning of Gender, ” Hochschild and Machung, “The Working Wife as an Urbanized Peasant, and/or Faludi, “The Betrayal of the American Man.”
no need to add in text citations. A work cited page at the end is sufficient.

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