Paper instructions You will prepare a grant proposal using the attached let

Paper instructions
You will prepare a grant proposal using the attached letter of intent. It is time to draft a grant proposal. Many grant proposals can be inordinately detailed, but your assignment asks for an abbreviated version (4-5 pages). How well have you defined your proposed research topic and proposed question? How important is the activity to furthering knowledge in the field(s)? How does it further the researcher (you) professionally or academically? Is the research question proposing original research, or merely rehashing research questions that have been done before? Is the methodology well conceived and suitable for the proposed project? What is the end product? What activities will the applicant be doing to reach that end product? What is the timeline? (Be specific.) What is the budget? (Be specific. Give your line items.) Please set out the proposal as you would for a formal submission. The submission should be between 4-5 pages. There should be a cover letter attached that is not included in the page limit. Then the grant itself should have a brief introduction, followed by sections as they are noted above. Cite your sources using APA formatting.

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