For this assignment, you will conduct an analytical comparison of how two distin

For this assignment, you will conduct an analytical comparison of how two distinct cultures approach the transition from one developmental stage to another, emphasizing the role of family. You can choose the transition between any two stages of the lifespan (e.g., late childhood to adolescence, adolescence to young adulthood, older adulthood to death, etc.)
For the purposes of this assignment, culture is being defined broadly and can refer to any socially definable group with its own set of values, behaviors, and beliefs. This can include cultural groups whose customary beliefs are defined by racial, religious, or social group. These can encompass larger or smaller cultural groups (i.e., subcultures).
You will incorporate primary research through interviews (or recordings of interviews or documentaries) and offer a nuanced understanding of the chosen stage within the selected cultures in a 5-7-page paper.
Follow these steps to get started:
Choose two distinct cultures for comparison.
Select one specific developmental transition to analyze (e.g., late childhood to adolescence, adolescence to young adulthood, older adulthood to death, etc.).
Review what research studies say about the transition within both cultures and synthesize at least 4 scholarly sources (2 for each culture). Focus on specific cultural practices or beliefs instead of generalizations.
Then, identify a primary source for each culture to support your analysis. Your primary source can be an interview you conduct, a recording of an interview conducted firsthand with a person/people belonging to that particular cultural group, or a documentary that speaks directly to some of the experiences of individuals that belong to that cultural group. Interviews (either conducted or viewed in videos or documentaries) should be with individuals who have personal experience or expertise in the selected transition within the chosen cultures. When selecting a documentary, be selective. It should have addressed the topic in depth and should be at least 30 minutes long.
Synthesize the information learned/collected from your primary (#4 above) and secondary (#3 above) research to provide a well-rounded analysis for your paper. Read below for more details on what your paper should cover.
Paper Components
Format your paper using the below headers (centered and bolded per APA 7th ed formatting guidelines) and respond to questions under their associated section.
§ Introduce the development transition (e.g., late childhood to adolescence, adolescence to young adulthood, older adulthood to death, etc.) and describe the primary P.I.E. markers (e.g. if you chose the transition from adolescence to adulthood, describe the primary physical, intellectual, and emotional changes from adolescence to adulthood)
§ Briefly describe why you chose this transition and these two specific cultures and what you were hoping to learn
§ Provide an overview of 2-3 major relevant cultural aspects of each chosen culture. Here are some examples of categories that might be relevant to your cultural group: family structure and dynamics, religious/spiritual beliefs, traditions, educational values, social norms and taboos, economic factors, legal and political systems, healthcare practices, communication styles and language, attitudes towards gender and sexuality, etc. You can choose cultural aspects outside of these examples.
§ Analyze the role of family in the transition of each culture (i.e., describe the impact of family roles and dynamics on the transition – e.g., physical resources, emotional support, socialization, stimulation, attitudes, expectations, beliefs, etc.)
§ Explain similarities, differences, and underlying complexities between the two cultures
§ Reflect on your findings and how they align or differ with your cultural perspective/practices
§ Identify potential limitations/constraints of the analysis
§ Propose implications or future research directions

Formatting Guidelines
APALinks to an external site. title page with name, date, and title (e.g. “Transition into Adulthood among South Asian Immigrant Families and Black Southern Baptist Families”)
5-7 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, no spaces in between paragraphs.
APA citations both in-text references and full citation in a reference page – at least 4 scholarly referencesNote APA 7th edition formatting for interview sources: Since a personal interview is not published anywhere, it is considered personal communication and is not included in the reference list. It is, however, cited within the body of the paper. For example: (J. Hernandez, personal communication, May 25, 2018).
For the sake of space, please only cite your interview within the body of your paper ONCE. You can simply reference back to the interviewee as needed (e.g., The interviewee explained…; Mr. Hernandez shared how….; The interviewee also talked about…)
If you are citing a documentary, click hereLinks to an external site. for information on how to cite in the reference page as well as in-text.
College-level writing, logical flow of ideas, proofread.
Upload as Word document with naming convention: “Developmental Transition_First Name Last Name.” This is an individual assignment.
This assignment is due on 4/27 by 10pm EST

Review “Habits of Poor Listeners” in Chapter 3 of the required Adams and Galanes

Review “Habits of Poor Listeners” in Chapter 3 of the required Adams and Galanes text.
Reflect on recent conversations that you have had with clients, friends, loved ones, or colleagues.
Were you actively listening through the duration of each of these conversations? How or how not?
What poor listening habits might you consider working on improving to help in delivery of human services working with clients, and/or working as part of a group in your human services agency?
Locate at least two credible Internet sources that educate individuals in the helping professions on how to improve active listening. You do not need to cite and reference outside additional sources; however, if you use thoughts, ideas, or quotes from the required text, then you must cite and reference your journal entry. Your reflective journal entry should consist of 350-500 words.

INSTRUCTIONS: In either TWO or FOUR body paragraphs, write about Chapters 5 & 6

In either TWO or FOUR body paragraphs, write about Chapters 5 & 6 and the associated Canvas Studio Videos, as well as pick your ONE theme, giving specific examples from each chapter of that ONE theme. Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence (see Writing Checklists handout).
Note that the specific time periods and places in Athens are included on the 5thcAthensdates handout (under Canvas “Files”). Remember that the time periods must be specific: such as Etruscans prior to being conquered by Rome (3rd century BCE); early Rome (753 BCE); the Period of Kings (625-510 BCE); Republican Rome (509-31 BCE); Imperial Rome (31 BCE-476 BCE); Augustine’s reign (r. 31 BCE-14 CE), or some other Emperor’s specific reign.
Work with each other (giving helpful feedback to at least 2 other students) on your theme choices.
To clarify, again, the difference between themes (such as architecture vs. art), watch this video.
Remember: except for picking your ONE theme, all written work this week (rough draft Introduction paragraphs, and possible 1-sentence predictive thesis statements) will be ROUGH DRAFTS — literally pre-writing for your upcoming essay, as the next essay (“pap2” assignment under Canvas “Files”) will be on Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 (NOT just on this week’s Chapters 5 & 6).
Your posts should be either two OR four paragraphs, each beginning with a body paragraph topic sentence. Use the Writing Checklists handout. Your reviews must be substantive and thoughtful.
BOOK IS : Text: The Humanities: Culture, Continuity & Change, 3rd or 4th edition, Volume I (Prehistory to 1600), by
Henry M. Sayre (Pearson Publishing)

each of the following questions, please provide a 100 – 150 word answer. You ans

each of the following questions, please provide a 100 – 150 word answer. You answer should be
(a) factually accurate with respect
(b) demonstrative of your having engaged with the readings,…
(c) connected to key concepts.
1- Select a contemporary evil that we covered in class. Be sure to be specific about what effects this evil has on people. Then, explain why those effects are evil using any of the theories (ancient conceptions of evil, or the philosophical theories!).
2- Repeat this process with a different evil and different theory!
3- What is scientism? (Not science—scientism.) How is Richard Dawkins’ thinking in The Selfish Gene an example of this?
4- What is humanism? Why does Lorenzo think we need to use the humanities to think about the nature of good and evil?

NOTE: Assignment MUST be original, with No AI or Turnitin Plagiarism alert!!! DS

NOTE: Assignment MUST be original, with No AI or Turnitin Plagiarism alert!!!
Throughout your career as a counselor, you will be required to assess and diagnose clients. To
engage in this practice in a competent manner, you will need to have a good working knowledge
of the DSM-5-TR including the general categories and the specific disorders that are contained in
each category. This DSM-5-TR Summaries Assignment will introduce you to the more
common categories that you will encounter as a counselor.
You will have four sets of summaries to complete, each due during a different Module: Week.
Each set will contain a 1-page summary of each of the following categories of disorders:
Summary Set 3, DSM-5-TR Summaries: Third Assignment (choose 3 categories from
this list; 1 page per category=3 pages of content):
 Personality Disorders
 Somatic Symptoms
 Neurodevelopmental
 Schizophrenia Spectrum
You will write a one-page summary for EACH category. Summaries must include:
Overview – a brief overview of the general category. In one or two sentences, identify the
characteristic(s) that all the disorders in the category share. (Example: in the Depressive
disorders, all the disorders are characterized by feelings of sadness.)
Disorders – For each disorder in the category, write one or two sentences that provide a brief
description of the disorder. In the Overview, you noticed what is similar across the disorders in
the category; in the Disorders section, you will identify the main feature of each disorder that
distinguishes it from the rest of the category (e.g., time frames, severity, types of symptoms, etc.)
Risk and Prognostic Factors – Choose one disorder from each category and provide a brief
summary of the risk and prognostic factors as found in the DSM-5-TR.
You will organize each summary by using the current edition of APA headings. Start each
summary with the category title using a Level 1 APA heading. Overview, Disorders and Risk
and Prognostic Factors should be Level 2 headings.
You will include an APA title page and reference page. An abstract is not needed. Remember,
the graduate program at Liberty uses the guidelines for “Professional” papers, not the “Student”
As this is primarily a summary of the DSM, you may start your DSM-5-TR Summaries
Assignment paper with the statement “All of the following information was taken from the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th Edition, Text Revision (American Psychiatric Association,
2022) unless otherwise noted.” When including this statement, you do not need to use in-text
citations for the DSM-5-TR. Using other sources is not recommended; however, if you use
additional sources, you will need to cite and reference them.
This DSM-5-TR Summaries Assignment must be a paraphrase of the information you find in
the DSM-5-TR or your textbook. You may not use any quotations.
Be sure to review the DSM-5-TR Summaries Grading Rubric before beginning this DSM-5-
TR Summaries Assignment.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the AI and Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need the explanation and an

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn
Differentiate between counselling and guidance
Discuss the unique needs for individuals who are hiv/aids positive
Describe the main phases in the counselling process

YOUR TASK: independently engage with a visual account of culture & write up as y

YOUR TASK: independently engage with a visual account of culture & write up as your weekly journal entry
This may involve, for example, going to see a museum display or art exhibition, a self-selected film, being an audience to a musical performance, a cultural group’s website, or sitting with a book of photography, or a graphic novel.
The point is that you have an intercultural encounter, expressed through visual mediums – aka you observe a culture different to your own through a visual account.
You will describe what you have seen/participated in and reflect on how the visual comes together to present an account of cultural life.
This will be written up in your weekly journal contribution and you must include images of or a description of the visual account.
You are required to reflect on themes we have thus far covered in the course (for example, sociality of becoming, perception & language, enchantment, cultural relativism, epistemic violence, modernity, coloniality, coming of age, family, and the power of place.
Use the following questions to guide your write up:
What was the visual account you experienced/engaged with?
Why did you choose this account?
Who crafted/constructed it and why?
How does the account convey a particular culture or practice?
What anthropological knowledge might you engage to help you understand?
Journal entry length = no less than 200 words (not including the description of your visual account).