For this class, students are required to do an outside the class contribution th

For this class, students are required to do an outside the class contribution that support Raza, Chicana/o Studies, Ethnic Studies, Social Justice, and/or Equity either on-campus and/or off-campus. You should have completed at least a total of six hours between both reports. Use the prompt below to write your report.
Report Prompt:
What did you do? How did it support Chicana/o communities and how did your involvement tie into this class and how did it add to your learning outside of the class?
The write up should be at least two pages long and submitted as a PDF or submitted as a hard copy. Format it with the usual college heading and title. It should contain the following two major parts. The first should describe the nature of your action. What did you do? Where? With who, for who? What did it require? How many people did you reach/help? What was that experience like? What kind of connections did you make? The second should touch on how it supports Ethnic Studies, Social Justice, and/or Equity. Can you connect your action to a topic in class? What is the greater significance to what your involvement is contributing to? What can be done to improve your action?

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