Your writing style is quite difficult to read and understand, several really imp

Your writing style is quite difficult to read and understand, several really important sections (including your conclusion) contain grammatical errors that leave the reader questioning their meaning. Several key sections of your work fall well short of the expected levels of academic rigour and depth of analysis required to secure a postgraduate degree. Your comments regarding sampling, validation and reliability in particular do not come close to justifying your work.
The whole section on Tokenistic Advertising Efforts has clearly been taken from someone else’s work and is included without citation.
Your referencing is inconsistent and does not fully reflect the academic standards requested.

How to improve:
Make sure you have a good appreciation of what is expected of a postgraduate student, make full use of all the resources and support available, ask questions and act on the feedback provided.
listed many theories without explaining the relevance of these theories to your research objectives. It seems that you randomly listed some theories.
Your research cannot be considered a mixed method. There are no proper statistical analyses, such as regression or correlation analysis. You didn’t use an appropriate qualitative research method to analyse your qualitative part. Indicating percentage is not considered as proper data analysis.
Some of your in-text citations are incorrect.
How to improve:
You should check the assignment briefing again and follow the suggested structure. This is not a report, this is a dissertation. You should use your findings to meet your objectives.

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