There is 4 experiments: 1) Determining Baseline Metabolic Rate 2) Determining the Effect of Thryoxine on Metabolic Rate 3) Determining the Effect of TSH on Metabolic Rate 4) Determining the Effect of Propylthiouracil on Metabolic Rate. Experimenting on 3 rats: control rat, thryoidectomized rat (Tx), and a hypophysectomized rat (Hypox). Experimental procedures were done. LOOK AT FILE. ALL results are shown in the chart including metabolic rate numbers, weight of rat, amount of O2 used in each rat used per minute and per hour. Paper format: MLA format, 12 Instruction of paper is in the document. VIEW DOCUMENT for details. Cite reference: MLA style No plagiarism Cite research READ FILE for instruction. Any question please reach out. Thank you
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