Prompt: We have been discussing the theme of the fragmentation of modern society

Prompt: We have been discussing the theme of the fragmentation of modern society, especially as such fragmentation points to the fragmented self in modern life. The ancient book of Proverbs presents us with an unfragmented view of life, one in which the wisdom of the Creator shines forth in every rock and tree and budding flower. Yet, it is the fragmented view of life which, tragically, the modern world has taken to itself. Read Proverbs, chapter 1, in the New Living Translation (Belhaven’s official translation for coursework) and in approximately 700 words, identify and discuss five characteristics that mark a culture opposed to the world that God intended. Then, close by describing how different our own culture would be if it chose the unfragmented world of biblical wisdom. [Note: In Proverbs, chapter 1, it is personified wisdom who is speaking, not the Creator himself; it is important to note this, as God does not laugh at our calamities or fail to respond when we call out in distress.]

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