The Company’s Business Strategy (30%): This section is crucial to the report. Wh

The Company’s Business Strategy (30%): This section is crucial to the report. What are internal or external conditions supporting its business strategy? How would you evaluate its success in terms of quantifiable outcomes? This is the part where you bring structure to an unstructured problem and in the process gain a deeper and nuanced understanding of the selected problem. The easiest way to do this is by considering the topics that we discussed in the course. Reframe the problem in terms of some of the concepts that you learned within these topics. Your objective is to provide a solid overview of how the company competes and then, explore the problem you identified and how it fits into your analysis of the company’s activities. This section should take about six pages.
Be sure to use several of the analytical tools/frameworks you have learned including:
• the firm’s overall positioning within the industry. I’m referring here to the implications of your five forces analysis for your company. (For example, your company encounters high buyer power and needs to better differentiate its product by altering its generic strategy below.)
• its resources and capabilities – give some time to think this through referring to the course material on this topic. Please identify specific resources and capabilities that lead to the firm’s success and/or challenges. Try to be specific and concrete rather than speak in broad generalities like “Company Q has great customer service.” Which of the company’s capabilities are important to the company and its success?
• value chain analysis – per the firm’s critical capabilities, where do these fit in the company’s value chain?
• the firm’s generic strategies whether low cost or differentiation or some combination of the two. Again, try to pin down what this means with some detail.
• the strengths and weaknesses of its various product lines including how they stack up with competing firms
• organization design – what is your company’s organizational structure and how does that influence their competitive position?
Problem Statement
Out of all the opportunities and threats that Google faces, the most significant is its need to develop a larger market share within artificial intelligence. Although the company has begun to integrate artificial intelligence into various product segments, it is still part of an ongoing race against competitors who continue to fight for superiority in the market. One of the biggest competitors is Meta, a company that uses artificial intelligence to develop its newest vision: the metaverse. Meta (n.d.) describes the metaverse as “the next evolution in social connection” in which artificial intelligence will “help you connect with people when you aren’t physically in the same place.” Speights (2023) explains that Meta has the opportunity to lead the charge in artificial intelligence because it and the metaverse are firmly intertwined. The motivation Meta has for artificial intelligence development is something Google lacks, and if Google does not find a motivating factor, it could make the task of developing a large market share drastically harder. Another large competitor in the race for artificial intelligence is Amazon. Instead of simply creating additional Amazon products that can use artificial intelligence, Amazon has a plan to “supply the model access, customization, and raw computing power to developers” who want to build a product using artificial intelligence (Kantrowitz, 2023). By doing this, Kantrowitz (2023) explains how these products will rely on Amazon’s storage to continue working, so Amazon will be able to increase revenue streams and market share every step of the way. This unique approach will allow Amazon to grow its market share within artificial intelligence at a much quicker pace. Thus, Google will have to work more rapidly to maintain a competitive market share position. To combat the growing strength of competitors within the market, Google must find a way to develop its use of artificial intelligence so that it does not fall too far behind. If it does not, it will not only lose the opportunity to increase its profit margin, but it will also lose its title as a leader in technology.

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