Book Needed: Essentials of Biological Anthropology 4th Edition Clark Spencer Lar

Book Needed: Essentials of Biological Anthropology 4th Edition Clark Spencer Larsen 2018 | W. W. Norton & Company.
Directions (Please read carefully)
1-Review the HMWK 1, PT 1, and all additional instructions.
2-Please number all responses and label which section they came from. DO NOT include the actual question in your response – only the number you are responding to.
3-All written sections of the assignment require in-text citations highlighting where you pulled your information from (textbook, course slides, online, etc.). Citations can be as simple as (Larsen, 33) or (Chp 3 slides, 10). Point deductions will be incurred if citations are not included. NO WORKS CITED PAGE or bibliography is needed unless you are pulling content from a source outside of our classroom resources (e.g., another book, website, etc.).
4-** If you do not include in-text citations, your assignment will not be graded. **
5-You must hit the minimum sentence required to have the potential to get total points for your answer.
6-To have the potential to earn full credit, each response must directly connect to our course materials (readings, slides, lectures, etc.). Responses that fail to clearly show these connections will be marked down.
*Please contact me if you have any further qustions*

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