(6:18) Why Is Accessible Design Good for Everyone? https://www.youtube.com/watch

(6:18) Why Is Accessible Design Good for Everyone?

• Assignment 7 (5pts) : My Volunteer Program
Name your volunteer program
Draw a picture of the inside of your site. (non-artists welcome-)
Draw a picture of the outside of your site
List the administrative needs of your volunteer site.
List the benefits of each need. (Be sure to use the concepts in the guide)
Include the following for ADA compliance:
At your site you include on your marketing promotions: “minorities, those with disabilities, Veterans and others are welcome to apply” What might you need to include for someone who is in a wheelchair to work at your site? What will you have them do, and what type of accommodation is there? What if you realize your volunteer has difficulty focusing (from a condition), how might you accommodate them as their supervisor so they can reach their potential?

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