The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) an online calculator that allows companies

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) an online calculator that allows companies to calculate their workplace incident rates. This tool also allow users compare their establishments incident rates to others other industries. State and national comparisons are also possible.
You will use this on-line calculator to complete Part I and Part II of this exercise
Part I
You have been asked to calculate your establishment’ incident rate for non-fatal work-related injuries, the number of cases involving days away from work, and the number of cases involving job transfer or restricted work for 2021.
You have been provided the following information:
-Industry: Food Industry, Manufacturing
-Number of employees 250
-Average number of hours worked by employee 2,000
-Location: Georgia
The firm recorded a number of “events” in 2021 some of which may be recordable for the purposes of OSHA record keeping. The following events were recorded:
1-An employee had an allergic reaction to peanuts and went home early for the day. She did not require medical attention.
2-An employee twisted his ankle and was reassigned to a desk job
3-An employee had a laceration and was treated for the company’ first aid. He returned to work.
4-At a company picnic the HR coordinator for the event cut her hand with a knife and had to go to the ER.
5-At a company picnic, an employee child had to go to the ER after twisting his ankle.
6-An employee complains of a backache and request a new sit-stand desk
7-A secretary required time-off for carpal tunnel surgery
8-An employee fainted. There were rumors that he was a drug user.
9-A pregnant employee fainted at work.
When counting the number of incidents, be sure to indicate in your response if you have decided that any of the above incidents should not be recorded and the reason for your decision.
Part II
Create a table that compares the rate of your company to that of the food manufacturing in the U.S. and for all of private general industry.

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