Instructions: This assignment is an analysis of an illustrated article that ap


This assignment is an analysis of an illustrated article that appeared in American Vogue between January 1, 1900 and December 31, 1939. You are to write a 3 to 5 page essay that analyzes an article of your choice (NOT one of the assigned course readings) in terms of its context. Some things that are important to include:
What is the relationship between text and image? Are the illustrations drawn or are they photographs? In color? In black and white? Any thoughts as to why that type of illustration is used?
Are the illustrations to set a mood? Or to give information? Are there captions? If so, what do they describe? Do the captions point the reader toward shops, brands, or designers?
What is the social context of the article? Who is the reader?
What is the historical context of the article? Are there mentions of politics/international relations, new technologies (including fabrics or methods)? Is there any information on current events, social expectations or values?
Pay attention to the descriiption of fashions in terms of their use, i.e., “afternoon dress,” “dressing for the horse show,” “dinner jacket,” and the like – these are all socio-economic clues as well as indications of how the garments were marketed.
Details such as those mentioned above will help you situate the fashion within the cultural scene of the time in your essay.
Be sure to review the textbook for the decade from which your article is taken from.
Choose the article with the above in mind. You want to have enough substance to analyze. The essay should be 3 – 5 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font. Please submit your essay in PDF format.
If you want feedback on an article choice before you write it please send it to both Prof. Cole and Liz well in advance of the due date.
Identify exactly the article with the author (if there is one named), article title (if there is one), publication title, date, and page(s) in the first paragraph or in a footnote.
Your essay should introduce your aim and topic, explain and support your findings, and then wrap up your discussion.
Include a legible copy of the article with your paper in a PDF version. This is essential.
NYU has access to the Vogue database for this assignment through this link:
The Vogue Archive
It is essential that you keep to this database for your article selection. Do not use any source other than Vogue for your choice of article. Not following that guideline will result in a failure grade on the assignment. The assignment is limited to Vogue for very specific reasons and to fit specific learning objectives.
Your essay is to analyze the fashion of your article WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD OF THE ARTICLE. An analysis of the article that applies politics of our own time in the 21st Century is not the assignment and is not acceptable; failure to adhere to that will result in a substantial grade deduction.
Attaching your article in PDF form (either as a separate file or pasted into your essay) is essential and failure to do so will also result in a substantial grade deduction. We cannot search for your article in the process of grading your paper.
You can upload at the link below.
DUE October 28th at 11:59pm: Editorial Analysis Assignment
Pay close attention to this due date. Late work up to one week will be accepted, but with a deduction in grade.
Work that is more than one week late will not be accepted.
Do not use any source other than Vogue for your choice of article.
Your essay is to analyze the fashion of your article WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD OF THE ARTICLE. An analysis of the article that applies politics of our own time in the 21st Century is not the assignment and is not acceptable; failure to adhere to that will result in a substantial grade deduction.
Attaching your article in PDF form (either as a separate file or pasted into your essay) is essential and failure to do so will also result in a substantial grade deduction.
Grading and expectations:
Your grade is out of 100 possible points.
Content and making a persuasive point that is well supported are the most important aspects of your grade. Support your analysis and observations with information and concepts from the course so far and the textbook.
Grammar and language usage are important – have someone proofread your work. Language errors that create confusion will impact your grade. Anyone who would like help with language and writing is encouraged to seek out the writing center. Walk-ins are welcome but contact the center for more information:

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