Anthropologists have critiqued the idea that belief, in the form of an individua

Anthropologists have critiqued the idea that belief, in the form of an individual commitment to a clear set of propositions, is central to religion. Discuss alternative perspectives on the nature of religious belief.
Refer to the following readings:
Bielo, James S. (2012) ‘Belief, Deconversion, and Authenticity among U.S. Emerging Evangelicals.’ Ethos 40 (3), 258-276.
Buckser, Andrew (2008) ‘Cultural Change and the Meanings of Belief in Jewish Copenhagen.’
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology 52 (1): 39-55
Cassaniti, Julia (2012) ‘Agency and the Other: The Role of Agency for the Importance of Belief in Buddhist and Christian Traditions.’ Ethos 40 (3): 297-316.
Lindquist, Galina, and Simon Coleman (2008) ‘Introduction: Against Belief?’ Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology 52 (1): 1-18.

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