After studying each of the above sculptures, write a 250- to 300-word response e

After studying each of the above sculptures, write a 250- to 300-word response essay, structured in three distinct paragraphs (a heading is not needed for this assignment), as follows:
PARAGRAPH ONE—EVALUATIVE CRITICISM [75-100 words]: Which of the above sculptures would be your FIRST choice to include in the exhibit? Why? How did this work’s perfection, insight, and/or inexhaustibility help you select it? For example, do you believe that this work’s form and depiction of subject matter is particularly well-organized [standard of perfection]? Why? Do you believe that this work demonstrates especially-strong revealed subject matter (content) [standard of insight]? Why? Do you believe that this work lends itself to significant sustained participation [standard of inexhaustibility]? Why? Along with your discussion of this work’s quality, you may include your personal feelings about it as long as you justify such feelings using the standards of evaluative criticism (e.g., what do you really like about this work and why?). When selecting and discussing your chosen work, keep in mind that this exhibit is meant to represent the last few decades of the twentieth century through visual art, so the work’s context (as discussed in the provided article) should be considered in your decision. While you may make minimal reference to ideas from this article, you may not paraphrase or quote from it. Also, remember that all three types of art criticism—descriptive, interpretive, and evaluative—focus on the work’s form. The aspects of form most commonly associated with subject matter in sculpture are the elements of line, color, and texture, as well as their organizing principles.
PARAGRAPH TWO—EVALUATIVE CRITICISM [75-100 words]: Which of the above sculptures would be your SECOND choice to include in this exhibit? Why? How did this work’s perfection, insight, and/or inexhaustibility help you select it? For example, do you believe that this work’s form and depiction of subject matter is particularly well-organized [standard of perfection]? Why? Do you believe that this work demonstrates especially-strong revealed subject matter (content) [standard of insight]? Why? Do you believe that this work lends itself to significant sustained participation [standard of inexhaustibility]? Why? Along with your discussion of this work’s quality, you may include your personal feelings about it as long as you justify such feelings using the standards of evaluative criticism (e.g., what do you really like about this work and why?). When selecting and discussing your chosen work, keep in mind that this exhibit is meant to represent the last few decades of the twentieth century through visual art, so the work’s context (as discussed in the provided article) should be considered in your decision. While you may make minimal reference to ideas from this article, you may not paraphrase or quote from it. Also, remember that all three types of art criticism—descriptive, interpretive, and evaluative—focus on the work’s form. The aspects of form most commonly associated with subject matter in sculpture are the elements of line, color, and texture, as well as their organizing principles.
PARAGRAPH THREE—EVALUATIVE CRITICISM [75-100 words]: Which of the above sculptures would you definitely NOT include in this exhibit? Why? How did this work’s perfection, insight, and/or inexhaustibility help you reject it? For example, do you believe that this work’s form and depiction of subject matter is particularly poorly-organized [standard of perfection]? Why? Do you believe that this work demonstrates especially-weak revealed subject matter (content) [standard of insight]? Why? Do you believe that this work lends itself to little sustained participation [standard of inexhaustibility]? Why? Along with your discussion of this work’s quality, you may include your personal feelings about it as long as you justify such feelings using the standards of evaluative criticism (e.g., what do you really dislike about this work and why?). When selecting and discussing your chosen work, keep in mind that this exhibit is meant to represent the last few decades of the twentieth century through visual art, so the work’s context (as discussed in the provided article) should be considered in your decision. While you may make minimal reference to ideas from this article, you may not paraphrase or quote from it. Also, remember that all three types of art criticism—descriptive, interpretive, and evaluative—focus on the work’s form. The aspects of form most commonly associated with subject matter in sculpture are the elements of line, color, and texture, as well as their organizing principles.
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Discipline: Intro to humanities

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