4-1 Activity – Bias in Primary Sources Sep 19, 2023 3:43 PM Good morning Class:

4-1 Activity – Bias in Primary Sources Sep 19, 2023 3:43 PM
Good morning Class:
The first activity you should be working on this week is the 4-1 Bias in Primary Sources. Before you begin, review the directions, find the template and review the rubric here. I created a more detailed template with all the directions included from the rubric here.
First, you should identify TWO PRIMARY sources. Remember, primary sources are immediate, first-hand accounts of a topic, from people who had a direct connection with it. Primary sources can include:
Text of laws and other original documents,
Newspaper reports, by reporters who witnessed an event or who quote people who did,
Speeches, diaries, letters, and interviews – what the people involved said or wrote,
Original research,
Datasets, survey data, such as census or economic statistics, photographs, video, or audio that capture an event.
If you did not correctly identify a primary source in Week 2, you may need to update your sources.
Second, you should attempt to cite your source in APA format. Please review the APA Guide in the SNHU Library for more information on how to properly cite sources.
Third, you will answer a series of questions about your primary source, like who wrote your primary source, when was it written, who is the intended audience is and what perspective (social, political, economic) is presented. You will do this for TWO primary sources.
Fourth, you should analyze the primary sources for the presence of bias. What clues are present in your two sources that may indicate bias? Provide evidence of these clues from your sources. If you do not think there is bias, provide evidence to support your claim. There are a number of videos and readings under the “Resources” link which discuss bias and how to identify bias.
Finally, compare how your historical event is represented in your primary sources. Do the two sources tell the same story, or are contrasting perspectives represented? Provide evidence from your sources.
Please see the SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT, I completed here. Note, I only completed ONE source.

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