Topic: Background Checks for Gun Sales and Transfers Presentation Issue/Question

Topic: Background Checks for Gun Sales and Transfers
Presentation Issue/Question: Is requiring individual background checks for gun sales & transfers a violation of rights?
Decide what your position is on the topic and prepare to explain why. Pick one or more ethical theories to justify your beliefs about the topic.
Conduct quality research on the topic and present that research. A good topic of choice will feature at least five professional sources Unbiased articles and academic studies are best.
. Part I of the GUIDE is clear as to what is required within the FINAL Presentations, to include AT LEAST 5 researched sources. Since this is a Moral Philosophy course and ethical theory/moral precepts will be discussed in several areas of the Presentation
TITLE SLIDE: this first slide presents the TOPIC as well as the ISSUE (in question form). Provides also your name, course name/number, etc. IMPORTANT to note is that on this TITLE slide you are to provide BOTH the TOPIC chosen and the ISSUE (as found in Part III of the GUIDE) to be presented (background facts) and argued (PRO arguments and CON arguments) and concluded (your POSITION/OPINION): TOPIC + ISSUE.
1. BACKGROUND FACTS Slide: the first slide (or first couple of slides) is the BACKGROUND FACTS slide which provides data, facts, stats, graphs, law, etc. that set the foundation for the argumentation to follow. Provide on this/these slides any relevant and important facts, data, law, etc on the TOPIC/ISSUE in order to lay the factual framework from which the argumentation will ensue.
2. PRO Arguments slide: provides the BACKGROUND FACTS slide(s) facts, data, law, etc, that support the PRO argument side of your ISSUE. You will also support the PRO argument with any ethical theory/theories and/or moral precepts that strengthen the PRO argument side.
3. CON argument slide: does the same thing — argues the CON side of the ISSUE supported by facts, law, data, etc. As with the PRO argument, you will also provide the ethical theory/theories and/or moral precepts that best support the CON side of the argument.
REFERENCES slide: This slide follows directly behind the CON argument slide. Provide APA compliant citations for all researched sources used for the Presentation. Again, there is a minimum required number of 5 researched sources and Vaughn does NOT count as 1 of these 5 — as stated above — but as an additional 6th source. I have provided copious comments in re APA style in my remarks to your SHORT ESSAYS, so you should be comfortable with the APA by this point in the course.
OPINION/POSITION slide: follows the REFERENCES slide. You will take a side on the ISSUE being argued. In this slide, present your own position, and support it as you did the PRO and CON arguments, with facts, data, law AND ethical theory/theories and/or moral precepts that best support your own position.
CONCLUSION slide: summarizes Presentation, provides highlights.
DISCUSSION QUESTION slide: should be last slide of the Presentation and preferably separate from CONCLUSION slide. You will present 3 DQs, one of which will go specifically to an ethical issue or moral concern related to your TOPIC/ISSUE.
3. PPP Slide NOTES: these are optional. As the actual PPP slides will present ONLY bullet styled information points, graphs, charts, etc. (as necessary), you may fill in around the bullet facts with full sentences in the NOTES section you may create beneath your slides. Again, OPTIONAL.*** As there is an AUDIO component required for the slides (see note below), slide NOTES really are not necessary though you may certainly use them.***{add extra information in the notes section so I can create the audio Portion of this assignment.}***
4. AUDIO: see PART I of the GUIDE. Each slide (except the TITLE slide, the REFERENCES slide and the DQs slide — though you may provide AUDIO in these 3 areas as well, if you wish) are to have UP TO 1 minute of AUDIO. Please do not read your slide information verbatim in the AUDIO, as I, too, can read. Rather use the AUDIO to fill in information related to the BULLET POINT info provided on the slide.
5. APA Citations: The References slide is to provide APA compliant citations for all sources used. Also, per the APA, you are required to use internal (or, also called, in-text) citations for BULLET POINT fact information found on your slides, thereby linking the facts/info used to the exact source from which it came. For quick references related to APA style and citations:

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