In this Project, you are researching and presenting the selected aircraft as if

In this Project, you are researching and presenting the selected aircraft as if you were in one of these professional roles Airline Pilot, Corporate Pilot, Owner, Aircraft Manager, or Potential Buyer
I chose the boeing 777
History – Include the history
Aircraft advancements (aerodynamics & systems – PHAK) (SLO 12.3, 13.2, 14.1)
Specifications and what is the aircraft used for? (Long distance airline passenger flights/To fly company personnel/charter/carry cargo/etc.) (SLO 13.3, 14.2, 14.4, 14.5)
Maintenance requirements (service centers/service facilities/special software/proprietary) , purchase price (resale market/new), operating costs (Training/Fuel/Hangar/etc.), training of crew (where/what type is required

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