If its possible, it can discuss regarding Victoria’s Privacy and Data Protection

If its possible, it can discuss regarding Victoria’s Privacy and Data Protection
AGLC format
Research essays will be marked having regard to:
Design of research task: Clarity and focus in formulation of research question; appropriateness of chosen methodology and/or approach;
Extent of research and use of sources: Comprehensiveness of research; application of research in addressing the research question and main argument;
Knowledge and understanding: Demonstrated understanding of key concepts and issues; primary and subordinate issues and authorities treated with appropriate emphasis;
Quality of argument: Development of a central/overarching thesis; structure; persuasiveness; conceptual clarity / logic of argument; statement of conclusions; support for conclusions;
Critical analysis and originality: Original contribution to knowledge in the subject area produced through synthesis, coverage, analysis or insight in approach, argument or recommendations (where relevant);
Presentation and expression: Format; table of contents (where relevant); headings and subheadings; clarity of expression; grammar and spelling;
Referencing: Others’ work appropriately acknowledged; footnotes provided when needed; appropriate use of direct quotes and paraphrasing; compliance with AGLC.

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