The overarching goal of this assignment is to identify and apply a systematic me

The overarching goal of this assignment is to identify and apply a systematic method for problem-solving guided by your sophisticated use of the LO.
Reducing air Pollution
United Arab Emirates: Air Pollution
(1) Make sure to select a tractable sub-topic within these broad topic areas (i.e. you will need to apply #breakitdown iteratively). This will allow for a more effective application of LOs, and a sub-topic is rarely too specific or narrow.
(2) The resources linked above are intended to serve as a starting point for your research. You must identify additional readings and sources.
Part I: The Method.
Clearly summarize your method by identifying the steps you would use to approach your specific sub-problem, including where you would apply specific LOs. Include your systematic method as a flowchart, outline, or list of bulleted points (this should not be a narrative, and should not include any additional content not included in the narrative section below).
Part II: Application.
Apply your systematic method by characterizing and proposing solutions for one of the topics listed. Research and learn about the problem and then apply the Problem Solving LOs to propose solutions. This narrative portion of your assignment should include three sections (900-1100 words):
Problem Analysis
Solution Analysis
Ideation and Execution
In this assignment, you must include:
At least one application of each of the following LOs: #rightproblem, #breakitdown, #constraints
At least one application of two of the following LOs: #analogies #heuristics #gapanalysis
Please note your total word count (for Part II) at the end of your assignment.
Use appropriate external resources and cite them appropriately in APA format ( For this assignment, a rough guide might be at least 5 external, scholarly sources. Literature cited are not included in the word count. We recommend using a citation manager to organize and format citations (for example: Mendeley or Zotero).
Optional: Draw attention to your most prominent applications of LOs (especially those mentioned in the “LOs to be graded” section below) by adding footnotes. In the footnote text (at the bottom of the page), provide the hashtag of the LO and a 1-2 sentence explanation of your application. Help the professor understand exactly why this constitutes a strong application. For a given LO, create at most one footnote per page. Click here for an example of this technique. Footnote text does not count toward the target length of the assignment, and all applications of the LO (not just those that are footnoted) will count toward your grade.
Assignment Information
900 – 1100 words
arniOutcomes Added
rightproblem: Characterize the nature of the problem.
breakitdown: Organize problems into tractable components and design solutions.
gapanalysis: Identify and evaluate whether there are suitable existing solutions to a problem or whether a creative new solution is required.
analogies: Use analogies in problem solving appropriately
heuristics: Know when to use heuristics and know when to avoid them.
constraints: Identify and apply constraint satisfaction as a way to solve problems.
Make sure to focus on the main goal on how to improve the air pollution creatively and think about a machine invented to turn the carbon dioxide and filter it and make it into clean air. Something creative and make the essay understandle for a student too. Thank you.

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