Read this discussion. Respond by sharing insight on their post, compare and cont

Read this discussion. Respond by sharing insight on their post, compare and contrast your post with theirs, or correlate their post to a relevant article identified from the literature. APA format with 1 reference cited not older than 5 years easily retrievable. 250 words minimum. Telehealth is a broad range of technologies and services to provide patient care and improve the healthcare system when compared to telemedicine. Telehealth can refer to remote non-clinical services, such as provider training, administrative meetings, and continuing education. The World Health Organization recognizes telehealth as surveillance, health promotion, and public health functions. Telemedicine, a subset of telehealth, refers directly to the provision of health care services and education over a distance, through the use of telecommunications technology. Telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical services, and uses electronic communications and software to provide clinical services to patients without an in-person visit. Telemedicine is used for follow-up visits, management of chronic conditions, medication management, specialist consultation, and other services that can be provided remotely via a secure platform (Cranford, 2020). Synchronous telehealth refers to the delivery of health information in real-time. With this option, a live discussion with the patient or provider can happen so that medical expertise can be delivered. A facilitated virtual visit is a type of synchronous telemedicine, such as a patient at a clinic and a medical provider at a distant site. A tele facilitator, such as a nurse, can gather objective measures using equipment and transmit this data to the provider. Asynchronous telemedicine does not occur in real-time (Mechanic, et al., 2021). For example, with synchronous telehealth, should a patient present to a hospital with complaints of stroke symptoms, a prompt consultation by a neurologist in the event a stroke is clinically suspected could occur. With asynchronous telehealth, a patient could take a digital photo of a skin condition and forward the image to their dermatologist for review and determination of treatment if needed (Resnick, 2019). Telemedicine is great for a number of reasons. Telemedicine helps to increase access to healthcare for patients who face barriers such as distance, transportation, or caretaker availability. And, those who are immunocompromised do not have to risk acquiring infectious diseases. Furthermore, while a physical exam via video should not be looked down upon because providers can still receive information via a visual exam through the camera, it is done without auscultation and palpation. These two methods during an assessment are vital for accurate and sound condition diagnosis and treatment. While attempting to obtain a health history, the patient can become disconnected due to internet concern or may have difficulty logging on. Or, the video may be distorted, which makes hearing the patient difficult and the provider unable to accurately assess the patient. But overall, the goal with both is to expand access to care, make health management easier for patients, and improve the efficiency of the healthcare delivery network. This has become a new normal, due to technological advancements, which became especially prevalent due to the pandemic.

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