Please select an example of a conflict, which you believe was handled well. This

Please select an example of a conflict, which you believe was handled well. This example can be a real-world example or it can be a fictional example, such as from a novel, TV show, or movie.
– Briefly describe the conflict and the stakeholders in 3-4 sentences
– To what extent did the parties apply the principles of negotiation (people, interests, etc.)? If they were not applied, how could they have been?
– Did the parties use any strategies to generate additional options *(such as prioritizing, bridging, etc.)? If so, describe. If not, what could have been used and how?
– Did the parties incorporate any of the strategies for converting competitive negotiation to cooperation (talking cooperation, fractionation, etc.)? If not, how could such strategies have been applied?
Bring in AT LEAST 3 specific concepts from our readings and/or lectures (bold term) and use our course material (paraphrased or quoted) to define, explain and/or back your points, citing that information in-text using APA style.
Text Book:
Cahn, D. D., & Abigail, R. A. (2014). Managing Conflict Through Communication. 5th Boston, MA: Pearson.

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