Many thoughtful persons in our time are speaking of the ‘decay’ or ‘decline’ or the ‘crisis’ of Western Civilization, or of the ‘end of an era.’ The older moorings and authorities seem to be disintegrating and people find it difficult to build new and stable foundations.

Read the following quote by Dr. Harold H. Titus.  Summarize in 2 – 3 sentences what he means by “we have lost a sense of the meaning and goals of living.”
“Many thoughtful persons in our time are speaking of the ‘decay’ or ‘decline’ or the ‘crisis’ of Western Civilization, or of the ‘end of an era.’ The older moorings and authorities seem to be disintegrating and people find it difficult to build new and stable foundations. Many of the standards and ideals that once were thought to be absolute and eternal are being questioned or disregarded. Many persons do not
seem to know where to turn for guidance and direction.  We are suffering not so much because of a lack of technology, of science, or even of general education,
but because we have lost a sense of the meaning and goals of living.” [1]
Download the paper entitled:  “The Origin of Ethics” and answer the following:
For the following questions, please do not “copy and paste” but rather summarize in your own words…
Briefly discuss what “Moral Certainty” is…
Briefly discuss what “Moral Relativism” is…
Briefly discuss what “Moral Pluralism” is…

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