How do we read the building as well as the city around it? How did the surrounding area develop?

Write a descriiption of Saynatsalo that highlights the context of the building. How do we read the building as well as the city around it? How did the surrounding area develop? How does the building relate to or effect that changing environment around it.
The context of the building can be defined as the immediate spatial-temporal context of the building, the social/ political context out of which the building emerged, the building as part of nation building or an infrastructure project, or the building as a part of globalization of finance, technology, or consumption.
Saynatsolo Town Hall designed by Alvarez Aalto
Starting points could be:
-looking at Aalto’s plans and the way he combined panning and building design in relation to the ideas of the 1940s and the importance of Finnish industry at the time.
-examining the town hall within the context of Finland’s postwar nation-building project and construction of a timber/forestry industry
-the relationship to Aalto’s other series of similar town halls

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