Here is what you have to do: First, read this short story Jomo Kenyatta: The Gen

Here is what you have to do:
First, read this short story
Jomo Kenyatta: The Gentlemen of the Jungle
Second, answer this question in an essay:
Which of three theoretical perspectives offers the best interpretation of “The Gentlemen of the Jungle”? Explain your answer using references to the ideas found in the course readings.
You need to compare 3 perspectives, and these must be:
Neomercantilism OR Liberalism (only one!)
Constructivism OR Feminism (only one!)
You need to use the text book, and 1-2 additional course readings per theoretical perspective.
The readings need to be explicitly referred to with in-text citations. For example, if I were referring to the textbook right now I would do this (Cohn and Hira 2021). When quoting or referring to something found on a specific page, include the page number. Like this: (Cohn and Hira 2021, 161). Do not include a Works Cited: you should be using only course materials, and you can assume that the syllabus serves as the Works Cited.
Aim for 3-5 pages, double-spaced with one-inch margins.
The essay will be graded on both substance and style.
Substance: In the essay, you are expected to offer a good argument and to demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical perspectives and concepts in the course.
Note that I am not asking you to research what others have written about this story. Googling others’ interpretations will detract from your answer, not enhance it. The goal of this essay is for you to think about how the content of this course helps you analyze this short story.
Style: The essay is expected to be well-written. The main ideas are clearly stated; the language use, sentence structure, and paragraph development are polished. The paper is well-organized and virtually free of mechanical writing errors or oversights in proofreading.

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