Chapter 1 The Stanford Prison Experiment by Zimbardo and colleagues wanted to di

Chapter 1
The Stanford Prison Experiment by Zimbardo and colleagues wanted to discover if prison brutality was due to the personalities of the guards or the environment itself. The applicants were interviewed to make sure they were emotionally, and physically fit, and stable. The individuals selected were randomly assigned to either be prison guards or prisoners. The prisoners were arrested, without warning, and booked into Zimbardo’s “prison”. They were stripped naked, given prison clothes, and then referred by their prison number. The prison guards were then placed in charge and very quickly they took to their role. Physical punishment, dehumanization, rebellion, emotional breakdowns, abuse, and aggression were all seen and after six days the experiment was shut down which was much sooner than planned. When watching and reading about the Stanford Prison Experiment it amazes me how quickly these individuals fell into their assigned parts, even Zimbardo acted more like the warden forgetting his role as the researcher. Due to so many ethical violations like physical harm, lack of informed consent, integrity, and emotional distress, the Stanford Prison experiment did lead to ethical guidelines being implemented in later research experiments. Researchers have responsibilities to the participants, and society, to do the most good with the least amount of harm.
Chapter 3
My first advice to Maria would be to take a deep breath, it is going to all be okay. The fact that she is excited about the baby shows she is already willing to do what it takes and the fact that she is concerned for the wellbeing of the baby shows she is already acting like a good mother. Pregnancy is a stressful, yet exciting time, however, while stress is part of life, severe stress during pregnancy can pose risks to the baby, and momma. This fact makes it imperative to try to keep stress under control, for Maria, a good start could be to practice mindfulness. Addressing Maria’s age, I would inform her that many women are waiting later in life to have a child, she is not alone, and while there are some risks over the age of 35 that most women give birth to healthy babies, however, she must be intentional in taking care of herself. Maria should reduce stress by utilizing coping strategies, get medical care as soon as possible, eat a healthy diet, exercise, and avoid any teratogens. If Maria does these things, she is setting herself, and her baby, up for a successful pregnancy and delivery.
Edited by Sylvia Morris on Oct 28 at 10:06pm
Chapter 1
The Stanford Prison Experiment was a study of good people put in a bad place. Out of 75 volunteers, 2 dozen participants were selected and were randomly assigned as a guard or prisoner. The prisoners were arrested by real city police, blindfolded, and transported to the facility. By day two, the prisoners began to rebel, and the guards took control by stripping the prisoners, broke down the doors, tied up their feet, and placed in consolatory confinement. Each day, the abuse and violence towards prisoners began to escalate in more humiliating task. Within the first 36 hours, the first participate had a breakdown. In 5 days, 5 participants were released. The participants who remained became like zombies and were obedient without thought. The study was to last 2 weeks, however the experiment ended within 5 days due to the extreme effect the study had on the participants.
Violations that I observed related to the text were beneficence and nonmaleficene, justice, and integrity. The study caused extreme harm to the participants and possibly damaged some who had no concerns of mental health prior to the study. The prisoners of the experiment were not informed that they would be arrested by actual city police. Also, the prisoners were not given the chance to switch roles and become the guard. Unfortunately, I do not think this study should have been conducted. If anything, it revealed the ugly truth of those who can abuse authority. The researcher has a responsibility to the participants and society because their information collected during the study will determine the accuracy portrayed to the media.
Chapter 3:
The advice I would give Maria is that it is important to control her stress and the state of her emotional well-being during pregnancy can affect a low birthweight, premature birth, and a longer postpartum hospital stay. If the fetus is exposed to long term stress, at birth the child can become more irritable and become more active than a child that has low stress, difficulty sleeping, complications with digestion, and self-regulation. As a first-time parent, I would walk Maria through the stages of labor which are dilation, delivery, and expulsion of placenta. I would also inform Maria that although she is 38 years of age, she is still capable of giving birth to a healthy infant, but I would still discuss the risk. I would then suggest that she and her husband participate in childbirth classes to better prepare them for the day that she goes into labor. Finally, I would discuss the importance of eating 2,200 – 2,900 calories per day to maintain a successful pregnancy.

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